Juhani Karhumäki (University of Turku)
Yuri Matiyasevich (Steklov Mathematical Institute, St.Petersburg)
Vladimir Mazalov (Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of Karelian Research Centre of RAS, Petrozavodsk)
Scientific Committee
co-chair: Juhani Karhumäki (Turku)
co-chair: Yuri Matiyasevich (St.Petersburg)
Vesa Halava (Turku)
Luca Zamboni (Turku and Lyon)
Svetlana Puzynina (Turku)
Tero Laihonen (Turku)
Michail Volkov (Ekaterinburg)
Il'ya Ponomarenko (St.Petersburg)
Dmitry Karpov (St.Petersburg)
Igor Lysënok (Moscow)
Vladimir Mazalov (Petrozavodsk)
Yurii Pavlov (Petrozavodsk)
Organizing Committee
chair: Vladimir Mazalov
secretary: Anna Ivashko
Yurii Pavlov
Evsey Morozov
Anna Rettieva
Julia Chirkova
Evgeny Ivashko
Alexey Kondratev
Scientific program
The Third Symposium will be similar in style to the two previous Symposia:
Topics of the symposium include:
Combinatorics on Words,
Graph Theory,
Automata Theory,
Decidability Problems,
Random Graphs
Networking Games
and related areas.
Abstracts and papers submission
If you wish to present a talk, please send an extended abstract of the talk (in a LATEX or TEX file, in English) before June 1, 2014 to e-mail: rfdm@krc.karelia.ru
The only working language of the meeting is English.
Acceptance of talks will be announced by June 15, 2014.
Please register to the conference by sending an email to rfdm@krc.karelia.ru.
Conference program
Arrival - Sept. 14, evening or Sept 15, morning.
Sept. 15 (Park Inn, 6-th floor, Сonference hall Pietari-2) - registration, talks, evening - Welcome Party
Sept. 16 (Park Inn, 6-th floor, Сonference hall Pietari-2) - talks
Sept. 17 (IAMR KarRC RAS, 11, Pushkinskaya, room 311 (Conference hall of IAMR)) - talks, we organize a trip to Kizhi island, evening (Park Inn) - Conference Dinner.
Sept. 18 (Park Inn, 6-th floor, Сonference hall Kivach) - talks, evening - departure.
The schedule of the talks can be downloaded here (updated September 10)
Invited speakers
Alexander Zvonkin
(University of Bordeaux, France)
On polynomials of Birch-Chowla-Hall-Schinzel-Davenport-Stothers-Zannier-Beukers-Stewart and weighted plane trees.
Raigorodskii Andrei
(Moscow State University, Russia)
Combinatorial geometry and coding theory
Jarkko Kari
(University of Turku, Finland)
Piecewise affine functions, Sturmian sequences and aperiodic tilings
Julien Cassaigne
(Institut de mathématiques de Marseille, Marseille, France)
Decomposition of a language of factors into sets of bounded complexity
Accepted papers
The list of accepted papers is available for downloading here.
Social Events
The social activities will include a welcome party, a conference dinner and excursions.
More information about the Social Events will be given during the conference.
If you would like to participate please inform us by: rfdm@krc.karelia.ru
Include the following information:
1. Name
2. Title of talk
3. Position and work address
4. Phone/fax No (work and home)
5. E-mail address
6. Accompaning persons
8. Are there any restrictions, preferences concerning your meals?
9. Other relevant information if needed
Conference Fee
The registration fee is 100 EUR by person and covers seminar dinner, coffee breaks and the booklet of abstracts. It doesn't include excursion.
The registration fee should be paid by cash in the time of registration.
Petrozavodsk, the capital of the Republic of Karelia, is situated on the shores of great and beautiful Onego Lake, 400 km to the North from Saint-Petersburg. The city is the largest University and cultural centre in the North-West Russia.
Petrozavodsk has excellent transport connections with Saint-Petersburg and Moscow (comfortable night trains). There are evening trains from Saint-Petersburg to Petrozavodsk and back (departure at 18.00, arrival at 22.50).
Onego Palace Hotel (26 Kuibyshev Str., http://www.onegopalace.com)
Park Inn by Radisson Petrozavodzk (Gagarina Square 1, http://www.parkinn.com/hotel-petrozavodsk)
Hotel Prionezhsky (Fedosova st., 46, http://nikolaevskie-oteli.ru)
The Masks Hotel (Karla Marksa Prospekt, d. 3A, http://maski.onego.ru)
The "White Springs" Hotel (Sudostroitelnaya st., 30, http://whitesprings.ru).
Hotel Park Inn by Radisson Petrozavodsk offers special prices for
RuFiDiM participants (more information +7(8142) 717063).
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submissions is extended: June 1, 2014
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2014
Conference: September 15-18, 2014
For submissions and related matters: rfdm@krc.karelia.ru