ELLS-IAGLR 2 : "Implications of Climate Change and Human Impact in Large Lakes" - ВРЕМЕННО ОТЛОЖЕНА
  • European Large Lakes Association
  • International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR)
  • Northern Waters Problems Institute of Karelian Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (KarRC RAS)

  • 2 nd joint conference of European Large Lakes Symposium (ELLS) and International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR)

    "Implications of Climate Change and Human Impact in Large Lakes"

    Dear colleagues,

    The international symposium “Implications of Climate Change and Human Impact for Large Lakes" within LARGE LAKES SYMPOSIUM ELLS-IAGLR 2 previously scheduled to take place on September 12-18, 2022 in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia is postponed by the decision of the local Organizing Committee of the symposium - Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS due to force-majeure.

    Further decisions on the organization and implementation of the symposium will be taken by the ELLS-IAGLR International Organizing Committee.

    You are cordially invited to take part in the 2nd joint conference ELLS–IAGLR, “Understanding the Future of Large Lakes under Global Change: implications of Climate Change and Human Impact”, which will be held at the Northern Water Problems Institute (NWPI), Karelian Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia on September 12-18, 2022 in hybrid format due to Covid-19. The conference venue will be the Karelian Research Centre, which can offer well-equipped spaces with relevant technical capabilities. Online participation will be via Zoom and Teams. There are several rooms where we can work simultaneously with online connection.

    The slogan of ELLS-IAGLR 2 “Understanding the Future of Large Lakes under Global Change: Implications of Climate Change and Human Impact" covers important topics including seasonality in large lakes; long-term trends in water quality and aquatic communities; interplay of sediment micro- and macrobiota in benthic habitats; responses to stressors and climate change; emerging tools for prediction and modeling, and many others. There will also be discussions about the current state and the future of Lake Baikal.

    Main Conference Themes:
    • World Scientists' warning to Humanity. Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes.
    • Future threats to large lakes: consequences in terms of "new challenges" and "new questions" for research (Micro/Nanoplastics, alien species, aquaculture).
    • Lake “Futures": responses to stressors and climate change, time scales and lags, tools for predictions and dealing with uncertainty.
    • Long-term trends in water quality and aquatic communities; Eutrophication of large lakes in 2022: is it still a problem and why?
    • Climate change and human impacts, and their mitigation in large lake ecosystems.
    • Best practices to improve conservation policies of large lakes.
    • The interplay of sediment, micro- and macrobiota in benthic habitats.
    • Present and futurе ecosystem services provided by lakes. Socio-ecologic-economic aspects and policy support systems for sustainable management of large lakes.

    The conference venue will be the Karelian Research Centre in Petrozavodsk. The City of Petrozavodsk (population around 260 000) lies on the shore of Lake Onegо, one of the two (with nearby Lake Ladoga) European Russian Great Lakes. Excursions during the Symposium will explore the unique culture of the region, including a trip to the UNESCO World Heritage Site on Lake Onegо – Kizhi Island (see https://nameteor.ru/en/predlogeniya/meteor-v-kizhi-iz-petrozavodska).

    The unique environment of Karelia can be explored at the Kivach Strict Nature Reserve (https://zapkivach.ru/en/) and the beautiful Valaam Island on Lake Ladoga (https://www.valaam.com/information-in-english/)
    The Symposium will be held at the Karelian Research Centre.
    Lodging is available at numerous four stars hotels, such as the Cosmos Petrozavodsk, SPA Hotel Karelia, or Frigate (all these hotels situated on the lakefront); or the centrally located Peter Inn, Onego, Severnaya (https://www.booking.com/city/ru/petrozavodsk.ru).

    International Organizing committee:
    Nikolai Filatov (Russia)
    Orlane Anneville (France)
    George Bullerjahn (USA)
    Alois Herzig (Austria)
    Tiina Noges (Estonia)
    R. Michael McKay (Canada)
    Ilia Ostrovsky (Israel)
    Judit Padisak (Hungary)
    Nico Salmaso (Italy)
    Arkady Terzhevik (Russia)
    Anne-Mari Ventela (Finland)
    Gesa Weyhenmeyer (Sweden).

    International programme committee:
    George Bullerjahn (USA)
    Serghei Bocaniov (Canada)
    Lyubov Burlakova (USA)
    Nikolai Filatov (Russia)
    Andrey Fedotov (Russia)
    Alexander Karatayev (USA)
    Georgi Kirillin (Germany)
    Michael McKay (Canada)
    Sergei Katsev (USA)
    Peter Lavrentyev (USA)
    Tiina Noges (Estonia)
    Ted Ozersky (USA)
    Sergey Kondratyev (Russia)
    Anne-Mari Ventela (Finland)
    Gesa Weyhenmeyer (Sweden)

    Local committee:
    Tatyana Regerand
    Mikhail Zobkov
    Larissa Nazarova
    Natalja Kalinkina
    Alexey Tolstikov
    Roman Zdorovennov -
    Natalia Belkina - bel110863@mail.ru

    Dates And Deadlines:
    online registration will be open at our site from 22/11/ 2021/
    accepting submissions for publication 01/06/2022.

    Conference Languages:

    Tatyana Regerand, Petrozavodsk, Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS
    Larissa Nazarova, Petrozavodsk, Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS ,

    NWPI KarRC RAS website - http://water.krc.karelia.ru/
    E-mail address of the Organizing Committee –

    First announcement (770 Kb, скачиваний: 496)

    Third announcement (216 Kb, скачиваний: 396)

    Fourth announcement (718 Kb, скачиваний: 322)