
Scientific publications

О.Л. Петросян, Д.С. Тихомиров, И.И. Кучкаров, Х. Гао.
Об одной кооперативной дифференциальной игре с динамическим обновлением информации
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 11, в. 2. 2019. C. 40-67
Ovanes L. Petrosian, Denis S. Tikhomirov, Ildus I. Kuchkarov, Hongwei Gao. About one differential game model with dynamic updating // Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Vol 11, No 2. 2019. Pp. 40-67
Keywords: differential games, looking forward approach, dynamic updating, continuous updating, cooperative strategies, feedback Nash equilibrium
Differential game model of limited resource extraction with dynamic updating is studied in the paper. The class of games with dynamic updating is new in the theory of differential games. Cooperative setting of limited resource extraction with dynamic updating is considered. Optimal strategies, cooperative payoff, characteristic function and allocation rule for cooperative payoff between the players are derived in an explicit form. As an optimality principle or cooperative solution Shapley value is used. Results of numerical simulation in the Python environment are demonstrated.
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Last modified: June 5, 2019