Н.Е. Козлов, Н.О. Сорохтин.
Возможности и ограничения петрогеохимических методов при изучении истории развития докембрийских комплексов
Ключевые слова: Precambrian; methods for geodynamic reconstructions; search for difference trends
Described below are methods for reconstruction of formation settings for protoliths of ancient complexes that enable adjustment for the chemical evolution of the Earth matter and make it possible to apply the concept of trends in regime changes for geodynamic reconstructions in the Precambrian more correctly, providing no complete analogues with the Phanerozoic. In addition, methods for a single trend in the compositional evolution are described for several given sequences of objects. Possibilities of these methods are demonstrated on the example of the study of Archaean complexes in the Kola region.
Индексируется в РИНЦ
Последние изменения: 30 сентября 2022