Woo, M.-K., Thorne, R.
Analysis and simulation of streamflow response to variability of climate in northwestern North America
// 16th international symposium and workshop "Northern research Basins". Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2007. Pp. 149-154
Ключевые слова: Arctic environments; thirtieth anniversary; conference paper; paper template; electronic files
Variability of climate is expected to affect interannual streamflow fluctuations. Snowmelt discharge is particularly important in northern latitudes and in northwestern North America, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation which is strong in the cold season, may exert influence on interannual variations in spring high flows. However, the rivers of Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia and Alberta have variable response to this climate signal. An analysis of the flow of some rivers in this region indicates that rivers draining the Pacific coast may be positively correlated with PDO and some rivers in the interior may correlate negatively. Not all river flows have significant correlation with the PDO, as non-climatic factors such as location, topography and storage can modify the climatic effects. Furthermore, interdecadal fluctuations may be erroneously interpreted as trends. Caution must be exercised when using short records to detect long-term trends in streamflow.

Analysis and simulation of streamflow response to variability of climate in northwestern North America (430 Kb, скачиваний: 171)

Последние изменения: 4 декабря 2007