Галаган Т.А. , В.М. Григорьев, Л.П. Николайчук.
Паразитические нематоды агроценозов сахарной свеклы в Украине
// Нематоды естественных и трансформированных экосистем. Сборник научных статей. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2011. C. 49-51
In the rhizosphere of sugar beet in various regions of its cultivation in Ukraine the group of parasitic nematodes is presented by 7 species. The majority of them concern to 6 families of order Tylenchida: Anguinidae (Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kuhn, 1857) Filipjev, 1935), Tylenchorhynchidae (Tylenchorhynchus dubius (Butschli, 1873) Filipjev, 1936), Pratylenchidae (Pratylenchus pratensis (de Man, 1880) Filipjev, 1936), Hoplolaimidae (Helicotylenchus dihystera (Cobb, 1893) Sher, 1961), Paratylenchidae (Paratylenchus nanus (Cobb, 1923) Brzeski, 1936) and Heteroderidae (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt, 1871). Only 1 species – Longidorus elongatus (de Man, 1876) Thorne et Swanger, 1936), – belongs to family Longidoridae of order Dorylaimida. It is necessary to notice also that the first 6 species of parasitic nematodes met in fields with various saturation of crop rotations by a sugar beet (16.7 %, 33 %, 50 % and in a monoculture) and were dominating and frequent, but L. elongates has been noted only in a crop rotation with 50 %-s' saturation ore in a monoculture of sugar beet, and it was rare.
Паразитические нематоды агроценозов сахарной свеклы в Украине (240 Kb, скачиваний: 329)
Последние изменения: 24 мая 2012