Галаган Т.А., Н.Я. Сильчак.
Распространение Globodera rostochiensis (woll.) behrens в западных областях Украины
// Нематоды естественных и трансформированных экосистем. Сборник научных статей. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2011. C. 52-54
For the first time G. rostochiensis has been found on the territory of Ukraine in 1963 in Storozhinets district of Chernovtsy oblast. In 1967 these loci have been liquidated, and till now the oblast is a free from the nematode. In 1968–1969 golden potato nematode have revealed on private fields of three western oblasts: Volyn, Lvov and Rovno. A little bit later, in 1973 it has been found in Khmelnitsky, in 1977 – in the Ternopol oblast. In 2001 loci of G. rostochiensis have been found out in the Ivano-Frankovsk oblast. So, for today the golden potato nematode is extended in 644 settlements of 73 districts of 7 oblasts of the western region of Ukraine to the areas of 2147,4 hectares. The first place on infection scales, is occupied with the Volynsk oblast (1064,7 hectares), the second place – the Rovno oblast (occupies 656,6 hectares). The Lvov oblast, where the infection area has made 243 hectares, occupies 3th place in region. In the Ternopol oblast the area of the G. rostochiensis makes for today 123,7 hectares, in the Khmelnitsky – 29,8, Zakarpatye – 15,7, and in the Ivano-Frankovsk oblast – 3,9 hectares of agricultural grounds.

Распространение Globodera rostochiensis (woll.) behrens в западных областях Украины (259 Kb, скачиваний: 363)

Последние изменения: 24 мая 2012