Груздева Л.И., Е.М. Матвеева, А.А. Сущук.
Почвенные нематоды лесных сообществ на различных стадиях восстановления после рубки
// Нематоды естественных и трансформированных экосистем. Сборник научных статей. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2011. C. 56-59
Soil nematode fauna of forest communities at the different stages of recovery after clear-cutting on the territory of Republic of Karelia was investigated. Soil samples were collected in 2003–2010 just after clear-cutting with burning and storing of dead fallen wood, 1 and 20–25 years later. Nematological data were compared with ones from secondary forest (age 60–80 years) and old-aged spruce and pine forests (150–170 years). It was established that soil nematode communities were similar to each other, except for the sites with disturbances of ecotopes. Representatives of all six eco-trophic groups were observed. Clearcutting with burning and storing of dead fallen wood influenced unfavourably on nematode populations, making scanty their trophic structure up to two eco-trophic groups (bacterial- and hyphal feeders). The number of genera, diversity, maturity and structure indices (H', ΣMI, SI) sharply decreased. Indices EI and CI in clearing space with disturbances of ecotopes changed differently. In the burning plot EI values were very high and CI values were too low. In the fallen wood storing plot, contrary, CI index was very high. After 1 year the total nematode quantity was low, the populations of bacterial feeders increased. With time of forest recovery the nematode fauna become more diverse and communities – more mature. Under the domination of bacterial feeders a share of phytotrophs in the community rised.
Research was supported by Programme of fundamental researches of Department of Biology RAS (№ 01200955238).
Research was supported by Programme of fundamental researches of Department of Biology RAS (№ 01200955238).
Почвенные нематоды лесных сообществ на различных стадиях восстановления после рубки (261 Kb, скачиваний: 1334)
Последние изменения: 24 мая 2012