Current problems of physiology and biochemistry of aquatic organisms. Volume II. Arctic and Sub-Arctic biological resources – potential for biotechnology
Collected scientific papers of the first International seminar and PhD workshop (6–9 September 2010, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia). – Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre RAS, 2010. 105 p.
Современные проблемы физиологии и биохимии водных организмов Том II. Биологические ресурсы Арктики и Субарктики – потенциал для биотехнологии. Сборник научных статей I Международной школы-семинара для молодых ученых (6–9 сентября 2010 г., Петрозаводск, Карелия, Россия). – Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2010. 105 с.
В книге представлены статьи участников Международной школы-семинара для молодых ученых «Биологические ресурсы Арктики и Субарктики – потенциал для биотехнологии: исследования и инновации», проведенной Институтом биологии КарНЦ РАН с 6 по 9 сентября 2010 г. Рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с изучением биоресурсов Арктики и Субарктики: биохимические, физиологические и генетические исследования, создание международного банка информации; биотехнологический потенциал белков и пептидов арктических гидробионтов; разработка научных основ и биотехнологий получения продукции пищевого, лечебно-профилактического и медицинского назначения, биологически активных веществ из морских организмов; биотехнология производства кормовых продуктов и биологически активных добавок для объектов аквакультуры и звероводства; исследования по химии и технологии переработки морского и океанического биосырья, разработка безотходных производств переработки водорослей, рыб и морских беспозвоночных.

Современные проблемы физиологии и биохимии водных организмов Том II. Биологические ресурсы Арктики и Субарктики – потенциал для биотехнологии (3.03 Mb, скачиваний: 7855)

Статьи в сборнике:

Elena Ahmerova, Liliya Kopylenko. Quality and safety of fly fish caviar8
Jeanette Hammer Andersen. Marbio- a medium/high-throughput screening platform9
E.N. Andryukhina, D.V. Zamylina. The possibilities of application of seal blubber oils in preschool and school age children nutrition10
T.V. Bezgachina, A.N. Kozitskiy. Concerning the sanitary and microbiological tests of mussels from the White sea12
A.I. Bochkarev, N.P. Boeva, O.V. Bredikhina. Consideration of possibility to purify used brine on tubular ceramic membrane elements14
N.P. Boeva, A.M. Makarova, M.S. Petrova. Development of biologically active food additive technology "Crab oil"15
Ekaterina V. Borvinskaya, Lev P. Smirnov, Irina V. Sukhovskaya. Glutathione S-transferase activity from the northern fresh-water fish under mineral contamination16
Maria V. Churova, Olga V. Mescheryakova, Aleksey E. Veselov, Olga P. Sterligova, Nina N. Nemova. Myosin expression level in white muscle as a marker of fish growth18
S.V. Dobrenkova, T.E. Rubtsova. Study of the possibility to use polymeric materials with barrier properties for the packaging of fish products22
Natalia N. Fokina, Zinaida A. Nefedova, Nina N. Nemova. White sea mussels Mytilus edulis L. as a source of n-3 polyenic fatty acids24
Peik Haugen. Identification and characterization of small regulatory rnas in the gram-negative fish pathogen Aliivibrio salmonicida25
E. Igumnova, V. Nikiforov, T. Vasskog, E. Jensen. Analysis of perfluorinated acids (C9-C11) by use of liquid phase microextraction (LPME) and UPLC-MS26
Viktor A. Ilyukha, Nickolay N. Tyutyunnik, Lyudmila B. Uzenbayeva, Svetlana N. Sergina, Alexandra G. Kizhina. Using of products of mussel mariculture processing (Mytilus acid hydrolyzate) under minks aleutian disease26
Elena Kaivarainen. Contribution of NA+/K+ atpase to biochemical adaptations of freshwater fish to polluted water of the ore-dressing industrial complex near Kostomuksha, Karelia30
A. Kashulin, E. Hjerde, M.S. Lorentzen, N.P. Willassen. Role of the insertion sequence elements in the genome organization of the Aliivibrio salmonicida31
Vyacheslav V. Khalaman, Violetta S. Skidchenko, Rimma U. Vysotskaya, Maria A. Daugavet. Searching of the biologically active substances that mediate intra- and interspecific competition between epibenthic organisms. investigation on the example of the White sea fouling communities32
А.K. Khamzina. Quality preservation of frozen salmon ovaries33
Liliya Kopylenko. Nutritive value of sterlet caviar from ovulated eggs35
N.P. Kovatcheva, R.O. Lebedev, A.V. Parshin-Chudin, I.A. Zagorsky, R.M. Vasilyev. Perspectives of reproduction and cultivation of red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus in the Barents sea (Russia and Norway)37
M.Yu. Krupnova, N.N. Nemova, V.A. Mukhin, A.Yu. Bogdanova. A method for deriving hydrolysates from freshwater fishes (ruff, smelt, bleak) of potential resource value in Karelia39
M.Yu. Krupnova, N.N. Nemova, L.P. Smirnov, A.Yu. Bogdanova. Proteinase complex from freshwater fishes of potential resource value in Karelia43
Atle Larsen. Cold adapted marine enzymes47
Natalia V. Lesonen, Natalia N. Fokina, Nina N. Nemova. Lipid content of mussels, mytilus edulis, as a biomarker of marine environment heavy metal pollution47
Chun Li, T. Haug, H. M. Blencke, K. Stensvag. Studies of antimicrobial peptides in the Green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis49
P.V. Lyushvin. Seismoconditionality of reproduction and development of fish congestions in northern waters50
L. Lysenko, N. Kantserova, Nina N. Nemova. Water organisms as a source of proteases and its inhibitors. calcium-dependent proteases (calpains)57
S.А. Mikhlay. Proteolytic activity of squid proteins61
Ekaterina V. Mikodina, Lena N. Sivtseva. Pale arctic common taimen Hucho taimen within the Republic of Sakha (Yakut) – spawning biology and artificial reproduction64
E.S. Mishchenko, K.S. Rysakova and I.I. Lyzhov. Comparative characteristic of hydrolytic enzymes of the Barents sea introduced crabs Chionoecetes opilio and Paralithodes camtschaticus68
T.S. Miteshova. Shelf lives of canned food “Natural pacific saury”71
M. Nazarova, O. Vasiljeva, P. Ripatty, Nina N. Nemova. Comparative analysis of fatty acid composition in formula feeds of different trademarks used in rainbow trout culture73
E.I. Ostrikova, L.F. Bedina, E.N. Kharenko. Prospects for creating polycomponental products of the gerodietary purposes on fish and vegetable raw material basis75
Steinar M. Paulsen, E. Hansen, R.K. Klykken, M. Albrigtsen, J.H. Andersen, T. Larsen, T.O. Jorgensen. Discovery of natural anti-diabetic drug candidates from arctic marine organisms77
V. Paulsen, T. Haug, H. M. Blencke, K. Stensvag. Mechanism of action of antimicrobial peptides isolated from invertebrates78
H.L. Pedersen. Microarray as a tool to discover enzymes involved in detoxification of oxygen-derived or iron limitation stress and that may have potential in biotechnology79
A.V. Petruhanova, V. V. Gershunskaya. The use of brown algae of the laminariales for manufacturing of dietary jams enriched with selenium and chromium79
Yvonne Piotrowski. Expression systems for production of recombinant proteins82
N.A. Platonova. Substantiation of the shelf life for the frozen soft salmon caviar82
A.V. Podkorytova, L. Kh. Vafina. Biotechnological aspects of seaweeds processing of arctic seas84
Alexander L. Rabinovich, Pauli O. Ripatti. Properties and functions of very long polyenoic fatty acid chains of membrane lipids (computer simulation study)85
Alexander L. Rabinovich, Alexander P. Lyubartsev. Computer simulation study of properties of unsaturated lipid membranes89
S.V. Sperstad, T. Haug, K. Stensvag. Multi-domain antimicrobial peptides – purely antimicrobials or multi-functional molecules95
Klara Stensvag. The use of natural bioactive peptides95
D. Tyrin, N. Kovatcheva. Excretion of total ammonium by some marine crustaceans96
R.U. Vysotskaya, V.S. Skidchenko. Saltwater mussels (family mytilidae) – prospective source of high-active hydrolytic enzymes100
Nils Peder Willassen. Applying transcriptome profiling to explore the QS-systems in the fish pathogen Aliivibrio salmonicida102
I. Zagorsky, N. Kovatcheva, R. Vasilyev, R. Lebedev. Achievements and prospects in long-distance transportation of live red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus102
Последние изменения: 18 мая 2016