The naturalistic manner makes most of the carvings recognizable and identifiable. Easily recognized are
water birds, forest and marine animals,
boats, people and human-like creatures. A large number of anthropomorphic images is an important characteristic feature of petroglyphs in Karelia, especially in the White Sea area. It is them that are the key figures in the rock canvases. The pictures often show tools and transport means: boats, skis, bow and arrows, harpoons.

Water birds

Water birds

Water birds

Solar sing
One notes original and mysterious figures. Among Onega Lake petroglyphs these are first of all about 100
solar and lunar
signs (in another interpretation they are described as "traps"). There occur single pictures of otter, seal, fishes, trees, batons, snakes, dogs, parts of human body etc. Natural proportions of the figures are often distorted, fantastic details and features are used. Examples are swans with disproportionately long necks, animals with unrealistically large faces and swans with "arcs" inside the body. Among the White Sea petroglyphs such mysterious figures are much more rare, and solar and lunar signs are not present at all. Still, divergences from the real objects and unusual details are numerous here as well.
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Last modified: July 16, 2006