KarRC RAS structure

Karelian Research Centre of the RAS


  • October 6 - 8, 2021
    International forum celebrating KarRC RAS 75th anniversary and entitled "Integration processes in the russian and international research domain: experience and prospects"
  • February 27 - 28, 2019
  • November 25 - 26, 2010
    International Conference "Harmony of the North: Man and Nature. Youth View"
  • Staff

    Deputy Director General for Research Administration, Director of the Institute of Biology, Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Fish and Water Invertebrate Ecology, Dr. of Biology, Assistant Professor
    Deputy Director General for Research Administration, Head of the Laboratory of Precambrian Geology and Geodynamics, Chief Researcher in the Laboratory of Precambrian Geology and Geodynamics, Dr. of Geology and Mineralogy
    Deputy Director General for Research Administration, Head of the Laboratory of Natural-Technical System Modelling, Chief Researcher in the Laboratory of Natural-Technical System Modelling, Dr. (DSc) of Phys. and Math., Professor
    Secretary for Science, Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Cand. (PhD) of Biology
    Head of Research Area, Chief Researcher in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry, Dr. of Biology, Professor,
    , Head of the Department of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, Chief Researcher in the Department of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, Head of the Laboratory for Ecological Monitoring and Modeling, Dr. of Biology, RAS Corr. Fellow
    Advisor to Director General, Chief Researcher in the Laboratory of Geography and Hydrology, Dr. of Geography, RAS Corr. Fellow, Professor
    Research Probationer, PhD student in the Laboratory of Zoology
    Chief Economist
    Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory for Greenhouse Gas Monitoring, Cand. (PhD) of Chemistry
    Research Engineer, PhD student in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry
    PhD student, Junior Researcher
    Junior Researcher, PhD student in the Laboratory for Enviormental Biochemistry
    Junior Researcher
    Assistant to Director General

    Contact information

    Address: 11 Pushkinskaya Street
    185910, Russia
    Contact phone(s): +7 (8142) 76-60-40, 76-97-10
    Fax: +7 (8142) 76-96-00
    Internet address: http://www.krc.karelia.ru/