Main organizers
International program committee
Knut AaseNorwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway, knut.aase@nhh.no
Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark, oebn@imf.au.dk
Svend Erik Graversen University of Aarhus, Denmark, matseg@imf.au.dk
Goran Hognas Abo Academy, Turku, Finland, goran.hognas@abo.fi
Ildar Ibragimov St-Petersburg Division of Mathematical Institute, St-Petersburg, Russia, ibr32@pdmi.ras.ru
Peter Jagers Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden, jagers@math.chalmers.se
Ingemar Kaj Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, ikaj@math.uu.se
Vladimir Mazalov Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Petrozavodsk, Russia, vmazalov@krc.karelia.ru
Bernt Oksendal Center of Mathematics for Applications, Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway, oksendal@math.uio.no
Albert Shiryaev - Chair Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, albertsh@mi.ras.ru,
Esko Valkeila Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland, esko.valkeila@helsinki.fi
Local organizing committee
secretary: Alexandra Borodina IAMR, Petrozavodsk, Russia
chair: Vladimir Mazalov IAMR, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Evsey Morozov IAMR, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Yuri Pavlov IAMR, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Scientific program
Program of the Symposium will focus around the following topics:
In addition to specially invited papers, the program committee will consider proposals for sessions and contributions of single papers.
Working languages are English and Russian.
We expect to get support of Russian Fund for Fundamental Sciences and some other funds.
If you would like to participate please inform us by
the following information:
1. Name
2. Title of talk
3. Position and work address
4. Phone/fax No (work and home)
5. E-mail address
6. (other relevant information if needed)
Deadline for registration is June 1, 2006.
Abstract and paper submission
If you wish to present a paper, please send an extended abstract of the paper (in a LATEX or TEX file, size no more than 3 pages) before April 1, 2006 to Professor Vladimir Mazalov:
Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelia Research Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkinskaya 11, Petrozavodsk, 185090, RUSSIA.
Acceptance of papers will be announced by June 1, 2006.
Extended abstracts of the accepted papers will be published in seminar proceedings.
In addition, the program committee will invite some of these authors to publish a full paper. These (and specially invited) papers will be published in the Proceedings of the workshop (Nauka Publishing House) and a special issue of "Probability Theory and Applications". The papers submitted for publication will be refereed following the usual standards of the journal.
Participation of Students
The organizers wish to encourage students to attend the conference. To that effect, we consider a possibility to reduce seminar fee and appartment price. Details will be published on the seminar web page.
Important dates
April 1, 2006: Deadline for abstract submissions
June 1 2006: Acceptance of talks and full papers is announced. Deadline for registration
August 26, 2006: Arrival day
August 27, 2006: First day of the symposium
August 29, 2006: Excursions
August 31, 2006: Departure day
Petrozavodsk, the capital of Russian Karelia, is situated at the cost of great and beautiful Onego Lake, 400 km to the North from Saint-Petersburg. The town is the largest University and cultural centre on the North-West Russia. It has convenient transport ties with Saint-Petersburg and Moscow (comfortable night trains). There is a flight connection between Helsinki and Petrozavodsk. The climate conditions are close to the that of South Finland.
The Seminar will be held at the hotel "Aleksandrovka village" on the coast of the Pertozero lake near Petrozavodsk. Please tell if you have an accompaning person and which room (singe/double) you prefer: single (double) room price is EU 50 (70) (breakfast included).

Social activity
The social activities will include a welcome party, the conference dinner and 2 excursions (famous Kizhi island and waterfall Kivatch).

Registration fee
The seminar fee is EU 200. The registration covers visa invitation, welcome party, seminar dinner, 2 excursions, coffee breaks and the book of abstracts. The fee for accompaning person is EU 100 and it covers welcome party and seminar dinner. The payment procedure will be specified in the second announcement (Feb. 1, 2006) and on the web page.
Transport Connection
Train connection
Getting to Petrozavodsk by train is possible from Moscow (15 hours ride), St.Petersburg (7-8 hours). Petrozavodsk railway station is situated in the center of the city, and it is convenient to use public transport.
Moscow direction train routes
Train N | Departure | Arrival |
017 Firm Fast | PETROZAVODSK [7.00 pm] | MOSCOW Leningradsky [08.55 am] (next day) |
018 Firm Fast | MOSCOW Leningradsky [6.25 pm] | PETROZAVODSK [9.00 am] (next day) |
St.Petersburg direction train routes
Train N | Departure | Arrival |
657 Passenger | PETROZAVODSK [10.50 pm] | St. PETERSBURG Ladoga Station [7.21 am] (next day) |
658 Passenger | St. PETERSBURG Ladoga Station [10.13 pm] | PETROZAVODSK [6.50 am] (next day) |
There is also a train connection between Helsinki and St. Petersburg via Vyborg.
Train N | Departure | Arrival | Total time |
034 "Repin Express" | St. PETERSBURG Ladoga Station [daily 07.28] | HELSINKI [12.26] | 06h00m |
034 "Repin Express" | HELSINKI [daily 15.42] | St. PETERSBURG Ladoga Station [22.40] | 05h58m |
036 "Sibelius Express" | St. PETERSBURG Ladoga Station [daily 16.28] | HELSINKI [21.22] | 05h54m |
036 "Sibelius Express" | HELSINKI [daily 07.42] | St. PETERSBURG Ladoga Station [14.30] | 05h48m |
International and domestic flights to Petrozavodsk arrive in Petrozavodsk airport. It is a military airport, part of which is used for passenger flights. The airport is also called "Besovets". The distance between the airport and the city is about 25 km. There are regular flights from Helsinki to Petrozavodsk. Flights take place three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Flight N | Start from | Arrival to | Airline | Aircraft |
D2-402 | Helsinki [14.30] | Petrozavodsk [16.50] | Severstal | Yak-40 |
D2-401 | Petrozavodsk [13.10] | Helsinki [13.30] | Severstal | Yak-40 |
"UTair" airline connects Moscow with Petrozavodsk two times a week, each Monday and Wednesday.
Flight N | Start from | Arrival to | Airline | Aircraft |
TP-176 | Moscow Vnukovo [11.35] | Petrozavodsk [13.35] | UTair | AN-24 |
TP-175 | Petrozavodsk [14.40] | Moscow Vnukovo [16.55] | UTair | AN-24 |
Contact address
Questions can be directed to: