International Conference "Green Belt of Fennoscandia – 2013"
October 7–12, 2013

In view of the high interest that scientific, political, non-governmental organizations show for GBF development, and to celebrate 20 years of work on GBF establishment it has been decided to organize a conference. The Conference shall take place in October 2013 at Karelian Research Centre premises in Petrozavodsk. It has been listed in the Government-approved National Environment Year Key Events Plan (RF Presidential Decree # 1157 of August 10th, 2012).

  • The Conference aims
  • Organizers
  • Conference Organizing Committee
  • Conference Administrative Team
  • Scientific programme
  • Abstract submission guidelines
  • Conference fee
  • Important dates
  • Registration
  • Registered
  • Hotels

  • The Conference aims to discuss the matters and work out solutions based on existing international documents and treaties (Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on the development of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia, Convention on Biological Diversity, etc.) to generate a common system of protected areas in the European North, and to join the efforts for comprehensively dealing with environmental, ethno-cultural and socio-economic problems of the border regions within GBF.

  • Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Russian Federation
  • Ministry of The Environment, Republic of Finland
  • Norwegian Environment Agency, Kingdom of Norway
  • Ministry of Nature Use and Environment, Republic of Karelia
  • Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, RAS
  • Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, RAS
  • Finnish Environment Institute
  • University of Eastern Finland
  • Metsähallitus

  • Conference Organizing Committee
    Titov A.F., Karelian Research Centre (KarRC of RAS) – Chairman.
    Chikalyuk V.F., Ministry of Nature Use and Environment, Republic of Karelia;
    Inamov N.R., Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Russian Federation;
    Niikkonen K., Ministry of the Environment, Finland;
    Hansen J.P., Directorate for Nature Management, Norway;
    Eglit A.A., Committee for Natural Resources, Leningrad Region.

    Organizing Committee members:
    1. Aspholm P.E., Bioforsk, Norway
    2. Bakhmet O.N., KarRC of RAS
    3. Gromtsev A.N., Forest Research Institute, KarRC of RAS
    4. Heikkilä R., Finnish Environment Institute
    5. Hokkanen T., North Karelia Biosphere Reserve
    6. Kovalyova T.V., St. Petersburg PA Directorate
    7. Kryshen' A.M., Forest Research Institute, KarRC of RAS
    8. Kuznetsov O.L., Institute of Biology, KarRC of RAS
    9. Lindholm T., Finnish Environment Institute
    10. Masloboev V.A., Kola Science Centre, Russia
    11. Nemova N.N., Institute of Biology, KarRC of RAS
    12. Saano A., Metsähallitus, Finland
    13. Sagitov R.A., Baltic Fund for Nature, Russia
    14. Saveliev Yu.V., KarRC of RAS
    15. Stulov F.N., Committee for Natural Resources, Leningrad Region
    16. Tarbaeva V.M., Pan-Russian Nature Conservation Society
    17. Tikkanen O.P., University of Eastern Finland
    18. Valdaev V.V., Ministry of Nature Use and Environment, Republic of Karelia

    Conference Administrative Team
    Alexandr M. KRYSHEN', KarRC of RAS (Team Leader)
    Nadezhda M. ALEKSEEVA, Committee for Natural Resources, Leningrad Region
    Olga N. BAKHMET, KarRC of RAS
    Anna V. BALAKIREVA, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Russian Federation
    Tatyana B. ILMAST, Ministry of Nature Use and Environment, Republic of Karelia
    Anna KUHMONEN, Finnish Environment Institute
    Nadezhda V. MIKHAILOVA, KarRC of RAS
    Olga O. PREDTECHENSKAYA, Forest Research Institute, KarRC of RAS
    Yuri V. SAVELIEV, KarRC of RAS
    Igor N. SHEVCHUK, KarRC of RAS

    Scientific programme

    PROGRAMME (02.10.2013)

    Major themes
  • GBF – the backbone of the system of protected areas in the European North;
  • GBF nature;
  • GBF historical and cultural heritage;
  • Socio-economic aspects of the development of the districts and municipalities in GBF territory;
  • Development of the system of regionally-subordinated PAs.

  • Topics for the thematic sessions and roundtables will be finalized later on, after the applications for participation in the conference had been analysed. Provisionally, the thematic sessions will cover the following aspects:
  • GBF natural heritage and protected areas;
  • GBF historical and cultural heritage;
  • Socio-economic problems of the border regions.

  • Following the suggestion from the Karelian Ministry of Nature Use and Environment, the meeting on the management of regionally-subordinated PAs in Northwest Russia will be integrated into the Conference framework.

    Abstract submission guidelines
    Abstracts up to 400 words are to be e-mailed at . as attached RTF or MS Word (.doc) files before 15.08.2013. The file name should be the last name of the presenting author in Latin symbols (e.g. smith.rtf). Abstracts should be submitted in English. Russian-speaking authors are to submit both Russian- and English-language versions. Tables, figures and references should be avoided in the abstract. The scientific names of fungal, plant and animal species are italicized.

    Conference fee
    A conference fee of RUR 1000 (EUR 25) will be taken at registration to cover part of the costs of organizing some events within the conference. University-degree and doctoral students will be exempted from the conference fee.
    Each participant willing to attend the conference dinner/ice-breaker will be requested to pay for the event at registration.

    Important dates
  • Second circular – March 15th, 2013
  • Registration begins – March 15th, 2013
  • Third circular (providing accommodation, travel and other info) – July 2013
  • Registration ends – August 15th, 2013
  • Call for abstracts closed – August 15th, 2013
  • Programme finalized – September 10th, 2013
  • Fourth circular (incl. conference programme) – September 15th, 2013
  • Layout of collected abstracts – September 20th, 2013.

  • Registration
    Please fill in the registration form and send by E-mail: .


    Akhmetova, Gulnara (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Aksenov, Dmitriy (НП «Прозрачный мир»)
    Aleksandrova, Ludmila (Мурманская областная общественная организация «Кольский экологический центр»)
    Alekseeva, Nadezhda (Комитет по природным ресурсам Ленинградской области, отдел особо охраняемых природных территорий)
    Ananiev, Vladimir (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Antipin, Vladimir (Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS)
    Aspholm, Paul Eric (Bioforsk, Norway)
    Bakhmet, Olga (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Basova, Elena (Center for Forest Ecology and Production RAS)
    Belashev, Boris (Institute of Geology KarRC RAS)
    Belkin, Vladimir (Institute of Biology KarRC RAS)
    Bizhon, Aleksandr (National park “Paanajarvi”)
    Blatkova, Vera (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Borovichev, Evgeniy (Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Kola Science Center of RAS)
    Boychuk, Margarita (Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS)
    Bunikowski, Dawid (University of Eastern Finland)
    Bykovskii, Vadim (Kutafin State Law University)
    Chernen`kova, Tat`iana (Center for Forest Ecology and Production RAS)
    Chernov, Sergey (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Chernyakova, Irina (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Degteva, Svetlana (Institute of Biology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Division, RAS)
    Doronina, Anna (All-Russia Institute of Plant Protection)
    Dzoboeva, Radmila (Russian Peoples’ Freindship University)
    Ermolaeva, Irina (ОАО «Карельская энергосбытовая компания»)
    Fadeeva, Margarita (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Fayt, Philippe (University of Eastern Finland)
    Fedorets, Natalia (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Fiodorov, Fiodor (Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS)
    Filimonova, Lyudmila (Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS)
    Flogny, Darja Sofia (Metsähallitus, Natural Heritage Services)
    Frobel, K. (Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND))
    Frolova, Viktoria (Lapland Strict Nature Reserve)
    Galanina, Olga (Saint Petersburg State University)
    Gaudry, Karl Heinz (Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institute for Landscape Management)
    Gavrilova, Olga (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Gor’kovets, Valentin (Institute of Geology KarRC RAS)
    Gornikh, Aleksandr (ГКУ Архангельской области «Центр по охране окружающей среды»)
    Gromtsev, Andrey (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Hansen, Jan-Petter Huberth (Norwegian Environment Agency, Nature Conservation Department)
    Heikkilä, Raimo (Finnish Environment Institute)
    Hokkanen, Timo J. (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Karelia)
    Humala, Andrey (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Ilgunova, Elena (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Ilinov, Alexey (Forest research institute, Karelian research centre of RAS)
    Ilmast, Nikolay (Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS)
    Isaeva, Ludmila (Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre, RAS)
    Ivanova, Ludmila (Luzin Institute for Economic Studies Kola research centre of RAS)
    Jakovlev, Eugeny (Finnish Environment Institute)
    Jaragin, Artem (Прокуратура Пудожского района Республики Карелия)
    Kärmeniemi, Suvi Päivikki (Finnish Environment Institute)
    Karpechko, Anna (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Kauhanen, Heikki O. (Finnish Forest Research Institute)
    Khrustaleva, Yulia (ГКУ Архангельской области «Центр по охране окружающей среды»)
    Kirsanov, Alexey (Russian Peoples’ Friendship University)
    Kochkurkina, Svetlana (Institute of Language, Literature and History, KarRC RAS)
    Kolomytsev, Victor (Finnish Environment Institute)
    Kosenkova, Svetlana (Карельское региональное отделение Всероссийской политической партии «Единая Россия»)
    Kovalyov, Dmitrii (Saint-Petersburg State University)
    Kowalski, Karol (University of Szczecin (Poland) / University of Lapland (Finland))
    Kozyreva, Tatiana (Petrozavodsk city court)
    Kravchenko, Alexey (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Krjazhkov, Vladimir (Netional Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moskow)
    Kryshen, Alexander (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Kuhmonen, Anna (Finnish Environment Institute)
    Kurhinen, Jury (University of Helsinki)
    Kurilo, Anna (Institute of Economic Studies, KarRC RAS)
    Kurilo, Maria (Institute of Economic Studies, KarRC RAS)
    Kutenkov, Stanislav (Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS)
    Kuuluvainen, Timo (Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki)
    Kuznetsov, Oleg (Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS)
    Kuz`min Nikolai (Leningrad Region Legislative Assembly)
    Larichev, Aleksandr (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Lehtinen, Leena (universities of Turku and Tampere)
    Lindholm, Tapio (Finnish Environment Institute)
    Litinsky, Pyotr (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Litvinenko, Aleksandr (Institute of Northern Water ProblemsKarRC RAS)
    Liverovskyi, Alexey (Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance)
    Lopatin, Eugene (University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences)
    Luotonen, Hannu Reino Juhani (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Karelia)
    Makarova, Olga (Pasvik Strict Nature Reserve)
    Maksimov, Anatoliy (Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS)
    Maksimov, Denis (Republic of Karelia Regional PA Directorate)
    Masloboev, Vladimir (Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre, RAS)
    Medvedeva, Maria (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Mikhailova, Ljubov (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Mikkola, Jyri Markus (The Finnish Nature League / the BPAN expert group)
    Moiseeva, Tatiana (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Morozova, Tatyana (Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS)
    Mullonen, Irma (Institute of Language, Literature and History, KarRC RAS)
    Murina, Svetlana (Institute of Economics, KarRC RAS)
    Mustonen, Risto Juhani (Finnish Association for Nature Conservation)
    Naess, Bjoern Arne (Directorate for Nature Management, Norway)
    Nemkovich, Eugeniy (Institute of Economic Studies, KarRC RAS)
    Niiranen, Ari H. (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Karelia)
    Niikkonen, K. (Ministry of the Environment, Finland)
    Ogorodovaya, Ludmila (Institute of Biology Komi SC Ural Division, RAS)
    Olenina, Tatiana (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Paavola, Riku Kullervo (Oulanka research station, University of Oulu)
    Panchenko, Danila (Institute of Biology KarRC RAS)
    Pelkonen, Paavo Matti Ilmari (University of Eastern Finland)
    Petrov, Andrey (Greenpeace Russia)
    Petrov, Nikolay (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Polevoi, Alexey (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Polikarpova, Natalia (Pasvik Strict Nature Reserve)
    Popov, Aleksandr (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Pozdnyakov, Sergey (National park “Kalevalsky”)
    Predtechenskaya, Olga (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Presnukhin, Jury (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Priobrazhensky, Andrey (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Puzachenko, Mikhail (Institute of Geography RAS)
    Raevsky, Boris (Forest research institute, Karelian research centre of RAS)
    Rudkovskaya, Oksana (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Ruokolainen, Anna (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Rutt, Tatiana (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Ryzhkova, Nina (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Saano, Aimo (Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services)
    Sagitov, Rustam (Baltic Fund for Nature)
    Sahi, Virpi (Finnish Association for Nature Conservation)
    Sallamaa, Silva Piritta Karintytär (Metsähallitus)
    Saveliev, Mikhail (Murmansk State Technical University)
    Saveliev, Yuri (Institute of Economic Studies, KarRC RAS)
    Shorohova, Ekaterina (Finnish Forest Research Institute)
    Silujanov, Aleksandr (Дирекция ООПТ Ленинградской области – филиал ЛОГКУ «Ленобллес»)
    Silvennoinen, Daisy L. (Centre for economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Karelia)
    Skomorokhov, S. (Pasvik Strict Nature Reserve)
    Sobolev, Nikolay (Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences)
    Sofronova, Anastasya (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Sorogin, I. (Kostomuksha Central Forestry District)
    Sterligova, Olga (Institute of Biology, KarRC RAS)
    Stylov, Fiodor (Комитет по природным ресурсам Ленинградской области, отдел особо охраняемых природных территорий)
    Svidskaya, Anita (Arbitral Court of the Republic of Karelia)
    Synberg, Kari Kalevi (University of Eastern Finland)
    Taponen, Samuli (Future Missions Oy, Finland)
    Sutkaitis, Oleg (WWF-Russia Barents Sea office)
    Tarbaeva, Veronica (Pan-Russian Nature Conservation Society)
    Tarkhov, Sergei (Kostomukshsky Strict Nature Reserve)
    Tervo, Riina Johanna (Metsähallitus)
    Tiira, Mikko (Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Service Southern Finland)
    Tikkanen, O.-P. (Department of Biology, University of Eastern Finland)
    Timofeeva, Vera (Forest Research Institute, KarRC RAS)
    Tirronen, Konstantin (Institute of Biology KarRC RAS)
    Titov, Alexandr (Karelian Research Centre RAS)
    Tolstoguzov, Oleg (Institute of Economic Studies, KarRC RAS)
    Tret’jakova, Elena-Diana (Novosibirsk State Technical University)
    Trishkin, M. (University of Eastern Finland)
    Tujunen, Andrey (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Urbanavichus, Gennadiy (Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre, RAS)
    Ullrich, Karin (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation)
    Valkonen, Niilo (Future Missions Oy, Finland)
    Valkonen, Sauli Juhani (Finnish Forest Research Institute (METLA))
    Vanha-Majamaa, Ilkka Juhani (Finnish Forest Research Institute)
    Várkonyi, Gergely (Finnish Environment Institute)
    Varnavskiy, Ilya (ООО «Лесное бюро «Партнер»)
    Vasander, Harri (University of Helsinki, Finland)
    Vetchinnikova, Lidia (Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS)
    Vuori, Kari-Matti (Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, South Karelia)
    Vitenkova, Irina (Institute of Language, Literature and History, KarRC RAS)
    Wahlgren, Aarne Juhani (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Karelia)
    Yurkovskaya, Tatiana (Komarov Botanical Institute, RAS)
    Zagidullina, Asiya (Saint Petersburg Forest Research Institute)
    Zavodovsky, Piotr (Petrozavodsk State University)
    Zenkova, Irina (Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre, RAS)
    Zhirnel, Eugeniy (Institute of Economic Studies, KarRC RAS)


    "Onego Palace", 26 Kuibyshev Str.

    Park Inn, 1 Gagarina Sq.

    Hotel "Karelia", 2 Gylling Embankment

    Severnaya Hotel, 21 Lenin prospect

    "Center", 25 Gorkogo Str. -

    Hostel "Petrozavodsk", 28 Krasnaya Str. , 2nd floor

    Organizing Committee address:
    Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences
    11 Pushkinskaya St., 185910, Petrozavodsk.
    Tel. +7-8142-780109

    3-rd circular - GBF (2.64 Mb, total downloads: 773)

    Conference programme (1.56 Mb, total downloads: 2856)

    Conference resolution (42 Kb, total downloads: 698)

    1informacija_dlja_sponsorov.doc (59 Kb, total downloads: 454)