Aims of the workshop
The workshop will be organized just before The European Meeting on Game Theory (SING11-GTM2015).
The aim is to discuss latest developments in the fields of networking games and management.
Program committee
chair: Vladimir Mazalov
IAMR, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Konstantin Avrachenkov
INRIA, France
Andrey Garnaev
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
Andrei Gurtov
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland
Anatolii Kleimenov
IMM UrBRAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Takashi Matsuhisa
Ibaraki National College of Technology, Japan
Burkhard Monien
Paderborn Universiy, Germany
Evsey Morozov
IAMR KarRC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Dmitry Novikov
V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Moscow, Russia
Michele Pagano
University of Pisa, Italy
Leon Petrosjan
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
Krzysztof Szajowski
Institute of Mathematics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw Poland
Alexandr Vasin
Moscow State University, Russia
Georges Zaccour
HEC Montréal, Canada
Victor Zakharov
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
Aleksei Zhizhchenko
Division of Mathematical Sciences of RAS, Russia
Local organizing committee
chair: Vladimir Mazalov
secretary: Anna Rettieva
Andrei Pechnikov, Evsey Morozov, Julia Chirkova, Anna Ivashko, Aleksandr Chirkov, Natalia Nikitina, Aleksey Kondratev
Abstracts and papers submission
If you wish to present a talk, please send an extended abstract of the talk (in a LATEX or TEX file) before May 15, 2015 to e-mail: ngm2015@krc.karelia.ru.
Acceptance of talks will be announced by June 1, 2015.
Talks will be accepted based upon an extended abstracts or papers of at most 3 pages. Selected accepted papers will appear in issues of "Mathematical Game Theory and its Applications".
Petrozavodsk, the capital of the Republic of Karelia, is situated on the shores of great and beautiful Onego Lake, 400 km to the North from Saint-Petersburg. The city is the largest University and cultural centre in the North-West Russia.
There are 3 (one hour) flights Helsinki- Petrozavodsk per week. Moreover, Petrozavodsk has excellent transport connections with Saint-Petersburg and Moscow (comfortable night trains). The climate conditions are close to those of South Finland.
Social activity
The social activities will include a welcome party and excursion on Kizhi island.
If you would like to participate please inform us by: ngm2015@krc.karelia.ru
Include the following information:
1. Name
2. Title of talk
3. Position and work address
4. Phone/fax No (work and home)
5. E-mail address
6. Accompanying persons
7. The excursion participation (yes/no)
8. Other relevant information if needed
Registration fee
The registration fee is 100 $ by person and covers transport costs, coffee breaks and the booklet of abstracts. It does not include excursion.
The registration fee should be paid by cash in the time of registration.
Important dates
- Extended abstracts: May 15, 2015
- Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2015
- Workshop start and arrival day: July 5, 2015
- Reports: July 6, 2015
- Excursions and departure day: July 7, 2015
Contact address
Questions can be directed to e-mail: ngm2015@krc.karelia.ru