Petrozavodsk, September 13–17, 2017
Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre RAS
RAS Department of Biological Sciences
Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations
Dokuchaev Soil Science Society
RAS Scientific Council on Forest
Main thematic areas:
Conference languages: Russian, English
The scientific agenda includes plenary lectures (20 min), oral (15 min) and poster presentations.
Full info on the conference programme will be provided in the second circular.
Key dates and deadlines
February 6, 2017 – 1st circular dispatch.
April 1, 2017 – end of preliminary registration.
April 10, 2017 – 2nd circular dispatch
May 1, 2017 – abstract submission deadline.
August 1, 2017 – 3rd circular and preliminary programme dispatch.
Conference fee
Conference fee info will be provided in the second circular.
Registration for the conference
To apply for participation please e-mail your application form (template enclosed) at forestsoil2017@gmail.com before April 1, 2017.
Materials for publication
Abstracts of presentations in required format (see below) are to be submitted to the Organizing Committee in electronic form before May 1, 2017 at forestsoil2017@gmail.com. The abstracts will be published prior to the conference and posted on the conference website. Submissions that are thematically irrelevant or failing to fulfill format requirements will be rejected.
Abstract format requirements:
Max size of an abstract is three A4 pages, prepared in Miñrosoft Word (2003/2007/2010), Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, margins 2 cm each. All text left-aligned.
Do not use indentation for paragraphs or blank spaces before lines, word break, bold or underlined type. Italics can be used only for Latin names of species.
First line – title of the presentation in UPPERCASE LETTERS; next line – surname(s) and initials of the author(s); further below – title of organization (do not use parentheses), city, e-mail. Then, separated by a blank line, the body of the text, and then references. If the authors have different affiliations, a number corresponding to the number of the organization in affiliations listing is attached to the author’s surname and initials.
List of references (REFERENCES, center aligned, authors names italicized) ordered alphabetically, in the original language. In the body of the text references to the literature should appear as numbers in square brackets corresponding to their numbering in the list of references. Any abbreviations should be explicated in the text.
No scientific or technical editing of the abstracts will be done.
Sample abstract
The abstract of each paper should be in a separate file (use the first author’s surname in Latin characters for the file name).
Organizing Committee address:
Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre RAS
11 Pushkinskaya St., 185910 Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia
å-mail: forestsoil2017@gmail.com
Phone/fax: (8142) 768160
Gulnara Akhmetova, Elena Moshkina