The Winter Limnological school and workshop
The Lammi Biological Station of the University of Helsinki and the Northern Water Problems Institute of Karelian Research Centre of RAS invite the young scientists and their leaders to the Winter Limnological school and workshop at the on March 11-15, 2019.The school participants are offered the chance to:
attend lectures about physical properties of ice, primary production, phytoplankton and zooplankton in winter, physical processes and oxygen concentration in ice-covered water bodies;go on field trips to lakes Pääjärvi, Taka-Killo and Lovonjärvi to be trained in hydrophysical, hydrochemical and hydrobiological methods of studying lakes;make the laboratory investigations on collected material;
feel scientific interest and inspiration from the real international cooperation and to establish the new contacts for the further scientific work.It is possible to make suggestions on theoretical and practical sections at the stage of the school program preparing . The final event will be a workshop where the participants present their own papers prepared relying on the material gathered within the training course.
Contact please Tatjana Regerand:
First Announcement (659 Kb, total downloads: 142)
vtoroe_informacionnoe_pismo.pdf (429 Kb, total downloads: 355)