The conference is a traditional regional platform for the discussion of the theoretical and practical aspects of cross-border territorial development. The main conference purpose is integration of professionals studying challenges and prospects of border territories development, exchange of experience on resolving related social, economic, political, educational and cultural issues. Russian and foreign scientists, lecturers, postgraduates, undergraduates, bachelors, representatives of state and municipal authorities, entrepreneurs, representatives of public organizations are invited to participate in the conference.
Directions of conference work:

1. Cross-border territories in the context of new regionalism
2. Economic integration and economic security: convergence or divergence
3. Social development of border regions: new institutes, subjects, spheres
4. Possibilities and limitations of sustainable development for border regions
5. Priorities, challenges and changes of cross-border cooperation in North and Arctic territories
6. Digitalization of local community and new profiles of cross-border cooperation
The conference provides discussions at round-tables:
 New resources and impulses of tourism development in border areas
 Etnocultural tourism on the border territories
 Formation of new ecological and cultural norms
 Cross-border business opportunities through IT and IoT in the sphere of aquaculture

Conference format will include keynote speeches, oral presentations and round-tables. The attendees of the conference are welcome to propose a topic of round-tables, work-shops etc. The proposal will be considered by the Steering committee which will inform you on the possibility to hold the event within the conference framework. Working languages of the conference are English and Russian.

Forms of participation: 1. Oral presentation. 2.Distance presentation. 3. Publication in the conference proceedings. 4.Conference attendance.

Schedule and deadline:
July, 1 – deadline for submission of articles and notes for publication on the conference proceedings:
September, 1– registration
September, 25– arrival of participants
September, 26 –opening, plenary session
September, 27– work of sessions and round-tables
September, 28 – excursions, departure of participants

Organizing Committee (55 Kb, total downloads: 234)

information mail (254 Kb, total downloads: 189)

Program (229 Kb, total downloads: 53)