Seminar Applied Stochastic Models and Information Processes memorial seminar dedicated to the 60th birthday of Vladimir Kalashnikov
8-13 September 2002, Petrozavodsk, Russia

8-13 September 2002, Petrozavodsk, Russia

Aims of the seminar
Scientific programme
Program Committee
Organizing committee
Local organizing committee
Abstracts and papers submission
Program schedule
Social events
Tourist information
Participation of students
Important dates
Contact address
Aims of the seminar
In March 2001 Vladimir Kalashnikov unexpectedly passed away due to an embolism in his heart. He had been an active researcher in many fields of stochastics. In 2002 he could have celebrated his 60th birthday. This seminar is held in order to commemorate Vladimir Kalashnikov. The aim is to bring together scientists from all over the world and to discuss latest developments in particular in the fields where Vladimir Kalashnikov was active.
Scientific programme
The Programme of the Seminar will be concentrated on (but not restricted to) the following topics where Vladimir Kalashnikov successfully worked: stability, sensitivity, recurrency of stochastic processes; effective simulation; regenerative method; reliability theory; queueing theory; random summation; and ruin probability.
The following sessions will be organized:
Working languages are English and Russian.
Anticipated sponsors are as follows:
Program Committee
Alexander Andronov
Riga Technical University, Latvia
Soren Asmussen
Lund University, Sweden
Dieter Baum
University of Trier, Germany
Jean-Louis Bon
University of Lille, France
Onno Boxma
EURANDOM, The Netherlands
Peter Glynn
Stanford University, USA
Jan Grandell
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Victor Korolev
Moscow University, Russia
Viatcheslav Melas
Saint-Petersburg University, Russia
Evsey Morozov, co-chair
IAMR and Petrozavodsk University, Russia
Marcel Neuts
The University of Arizona, USA
Ragnar Norberg
London School of Economics, UK
Ilkka Norros
VTT Information Technology, Helsinki, Finland
Reuven Rubinstein
Technion, Haifa, Israel
Vladimir Rykov, co-chair
Russian State University of Oil and Gaz, Moscow, Russia
Hanspeter Schmidli, co-chair
Copenhagen University, Denmark
Richard Serfozo
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Hermann Thorisson
Reykjavik University, Iceland
Gurami Tsitsiashvili
Institute of Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Vladivistok, Russia
Vladimir Vishnevski
Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS, Moscow, Russia
Organizing committee
Nikolay Kuznetsov, chair
Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS
Vladimir Mazalov, co-chair
Institute of Applied Mathematical Research
Vasiliy Sedunov
Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS
Vladimir Vishnevski
Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS
Local organizing committee
Vladimir Mazalov, chair
Institute of Applied Mathematical Research
Irina Aminova, secretary
Petrozavodsk State University
Natalya Dorshakova
Petrozavodsk University
Evsey Morozov, co-chair
Institute of Applied Mathematical Research
Anatoly Sorokin
Institute of Applied Mathematical Research
Vladimir Vdovitsyn
Institute of Applied Mathematical Research
Yuri Pavlov
Institute of Applied Mathematical Research
Abstracts and papers submission
If you wish to present a talk, please send an extended abstract of the talk (in a LATEX or TEX file) before April 1, 2002 to Evsey Morozov.
Acceptance of talks will be announced by June 1, 2002.
Extended abstracts of the accepted talks will be published in seminar proceedings.
In addition, the program committee will invite some of these authors to publish a full paper. These (and specially invited) papers will be published in special issues of "Queueing Systems" and "Journal of Mathematical Sciences". The papers submitted for publication will be refereed following the usual standards of these leading international journals.
Deadline for paper submission is December 31, 2002.
Program schedule
The program is submitted on September 5, 2002.
Petrozavodsk, the capital of the Republic of Karelia, is situated on the shores of great and beautiful Onego Lake, 400 km to the North from Saint-Petersburg. The city is the largest University and cultural centre in the North-West Russia.
There are 3 (one hour) flights Helsinki- Petrozavodsk per week. Moreover, Petrozavodsk has excellent transport connections with Saint-Petersburg and Moscow (comfortable night trains). The climate conditions are close to those of South Finland.
It is assumed that the Seminar will be held at the hotel "Kalevala", 30 km from Petrozavodsk.
Social events
The social events will include a welcome party, a conference dinner and two excursions (famous Kizhi island and the waterfall Kivatch).
Tourist information
It is convenient that our tourist partner ("Avia-Retro tour") can organize meeting and an excursion in Saint-Petersburg if you go via SP. Moreover, they supply you with (local) train tickets or if you wish the company will organize a comfortable bus to go to Petrozavodsk (about 8 hours). To inform us which way you prefer, please contact directly director Mr. Piter Bernikov by e-mail: (PHONE: 8142- 78 19 33).
If you prefer, we could contact Mr.Bernikov.
If you would like to participate please inform:
Evsey Morozov
Nataly Grechishkina
Include the following information:
1. Name
2. Title of talk
3. Position and work address
4. Phone/fax No (work and home)
5. E-mail address
Moreover, if possible please tell which mentioned section(s) is the most acceptable for you.
Conference fee is USD 150. It is possible to pay upon arrival.
Participation of students
The organisers wish to encourage students to attend the conference. To that effect, we consider a possibility to reduce seminar fee and appartment price.
Important dates
February 1, 2002: Second announcement
April 1, 2002: Deadline for abstract submission
June 1, 2002: Acceptance of talks is announced; deadline for registration
September 8, Sunday: Arrival day
September 9: First day of the seminar
September 13, Friday: Departure day
December 31, 2002: Deadline for full paper submission.
Contact address
Questions can be directed to:
Evsey Morozov
Nataly Grechishkina