Department of General Biology of Russian Academy of Sciences
Regional Coordinating Council of Wood Science
Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, RAS
Moscow State Forestry University
Regional Coordinating Council of Wood Science
Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, RAS
Moscow State Forestry University

September 11-14, 2000
Regional Coordinating Council of Wood Science (RCCWS), working under Interna-tional Academy of Wood Science (IAWS) at Moscow State Forestry University in-forms you that in response to the invitation to the 3d symposium "Wood Structure, Properties and Quality-2000" organized in collaboration with Forest Research Insti-tute Karelian Research Centre, RAS we have received more than 130 applications from Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Georgia, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Russia, Ukraine.
Simultaneously with the Symposium "Lesexpert" centre will hold the seminar " Timber standardization and certification under market conditions". After the symposium the session of the RCCWS is to be held.
Professional Guarantee of the Symposium
Prof.,dr.Boris Ugolev, FIAWS
Moscow State Forestry University
141005 Mytischi-5
Moscow region,
tel. (095) 588-52-25
fax (095) 586-91-34; 586-80-12
Proceedings of the Symposium are published.
Forest Research Institute
11, Pushkinskaya St.
Petrozavodsk, 185610
tel./fax (+7 8142) 76-81-60