Prior list of sponsors
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Journal “Surveys in Applied and Industrial Mathematics”
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Main organizers
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Program committee
Prof. V. F. Kolchin (co-chair),
Prof. V. V. Mazalov (co-chair)
Acad. of RAS Yu. V. Prokhorov,
Corr. member of RAS A. B. Zhizhchenko,
Corr. member of RAS B.A. Sevast'yanov,
V.A. Vatutin, A.V. Voronin, A.M. Zubkov,
G.I. Ivchenko, A.P. Kovalenko, Yu.I. Medvedev,
V.G. Mikhailov, Yu.L. Pavlov, L.A. Petrosian,
V.N. Sachkov, A.D. Sorokin, V.I. Khokhlov
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Local organizing committee
Prof. V.V. Mazalov (chair),
Yu.L. Pavlov (vice-chair),
M.M. Leri (secretary),
A.D. Sorokin, A.A. Pechnikov, T.P. Tikhomirova,
J.V. Chuiko, I.A. Cheplyukova, E.N. Spector, A.N. Rettieva,
S.V. Stafeev, A.A. Falko, E.E. Ivashko.
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Scientific program
1. Probabilistic and statistical problems of discrete mathematics.
2. Mathematical problems of information security.
3. Game theory and optimization problems.
The conference is expected to include the course "Probability Theory and Combinatorics" of young scientists.
The following events will accompany the Conference:
Official languages of the Conference are English and Russian.
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If you are interested in participating in the Conference, you should send to the following information:
1. Name
2. Title of talk
3. Position and work address
4. Phone/fax No (work and home)
5. E-mail address
6. Type of accommodation (single/double)
7. (other relevant information if needed)
Deadline for registration and paper submission is May 1, 2008.
If you need VISA SUPPORT, please, as soon as possible (March 31, 2008 to be the latest) inform local committee by e-mail to
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Abstract and paper submission
If you wish to present a paper, please send an extended abstract (no more than 1 page - about 2500 characters) of the paper (in a LATEX or TEX format) before May 1, 2008 to the conference e-mail address:
Extended abstracts of papers sent before March 31, 2008 will be published in the journal "Surveys in Applied and Industrial Mathematics", vol.15, iss. 4; extended abstracts of all of the rest accepted papers will be published in the journal "Surveys in Applied and Industrial Mathematics", vol.15, iss. 5.
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Petrozavodsk, the capital of Russian Karelia, is situated at the cost of great and beautiful Onego Lake, 400 km to the North from Saint-Petersburg. The town is the largest University and cultural centre on the North-West Russia. It has convenient transport ties with Saint-Petersburg and Moscow (comfortable night trains). There is a flight connection between Helsinki and Petrozavodsk. The climate conditions are close to that of South Finland.
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The Seminar will be held at the hotel "Aleksandrovka village" on the coast of the Pertozero lake near Petrozavodsk. Please inform if you have an accompanying person and which room (singe/double) you prefer: single (double) room price is about EU 50 (70) (breakfast included).

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Registration fee
The conference fee is EU 200. The registration fee covers a book of abstracts, visa invitation, welcome party, seminar dinner, coffee breaks. Registration fee is paid on arrival by foreign participants. Participants from Russian Federation should follow the registration rules, given at TVP page: VII International Petrozavodsk Conference – the first information message.
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Contact information
In Moscow:
Lyudmila I. Gerasimova (SA&IM, Director, Editorial Board),
Vladimir I. Khokhlov (SA&IM):
(095) 332-4451,
In Petrozavodsk:
Vladimir V. Mazalov (Chair of the local Organizing Committee):
(8142) 78-11-08, (8142) 76-63-13 (phone/fax),,
Marina M. Leri (Secretary of the local Organizing Committee ):
(8142) 78-12-18,
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