Komulainen Sergei F.
Sign inPosition(s):
- Leading Researcher in the Laboratory for Fish and Water Invertebrate Ecology Institute of Biology KarRC RAS
Academic degree: Doctor (DSc) of Biology (2005)
Dissertation title: The structure and functioning phytoperiphyton in small rivers of East Fennoscandia
Fax: +7(8142) 76-98-10
Address: 11 Pushkinskaya Street
185910, Russia
Fax: +7(8142) 76-98-10
Address: 11 Pushkinskaya Street
185910, Russia
Scientific speciality: hydrobiology
Education: university education
Major research trends: taxonomy, ecology and production of algal communities in inland waters of the European North of Russia and Finland
Keywords: the phytoperiphyton, algal communities, Algology
Scientific publications:
1. Komulainen SF 2011. Additional materials to the "Bibliography of works on the European North of Russia algae" // Proceedings Kar RC RAS, 2011, 1: 97-103.
2. Komulainen SF 2011. phytoperiphyton Green Belt Rivers "// Proceedings Kar RC RAS, 2011, 2: 35-47.
3. Slastina YL, Komulainen SF, Potahin MS, MA, 2011. Klochkova kriofitona structure in lakes Petrozavodsk // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS №4. 2011. pp 138-141
4. Komulainen SF 2011. Environmental groups of algae and aquatic ecosystems, and classification problems. // B Proc .: algae, taxonomy, ecology, the use of monitoring. Ekaterinburg, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. 128-135
5. Slastina YL, Komulainen SF 2011. Features of the species structure and age characteristics of phytoplankton Lizhma river // B Proc .: algae, taxonomy, ecology, the use of monitoring. Ekaterinburg, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. 217-221.
6. Slastina YL, Komulainen SF, Potahin MS, MA, 2011. Klochkova kriofitona structure in lakes Petrozavodsk // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS №4. 2011. pp 138-141
7. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA Slastina YL 2011. Structure hydrobiocenoses some ponds of the reserve "Kivach" // Proceedings of the National Nature Reserve "Kivach" Issue 5. Petrozavodsk, 2011. S. 2012
8. Komulaynen S., Slastina J., Klochkova M. 2012. Winter algae communities in the lakes and rivers ecosystems (Karelia, Russia) // Current advances in algal taxonomy and its applications: phylogenetic, ecological and applied perspective. Eds K. WOLOWSKI, I. KACZMARSKA, J.M. EHRMAN & A.Z. WOJTAL), pp. 243-251. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow. Poland.
9. Komulainen SF, Slastina YL 2012. algocenoses structure reservoirs reserve "Kivach" // Natural processes and phenomena in the unique conditions of the middle-Preserve: Materials of scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of FGBI "State Nature Reserve" Kivach "Petrozavodsk:. Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences: 35-41.
10. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA 2012. The structure and functioning of communities of aquatic organisms in rivers of the southern (Pomeranian) coast of the White Sea // Proceedings of the Kola Science Centre of RAS "Applied Ecology of the North". Issue 1 109-126.
11. Komulainen S., Chekryzheva T. 2013. Response of algal communities to anthropogenic changes in mineralization 2013, Botanica lithuanica 19 (1): 57-66
12. SF Komulainen 2013. A review of the book Protasov AA Life in the hydrosphere Essays on general hydrobiologists // Proceedings Kar RC RAS, 2013, 4: 127-129.
13. SF Komulainen 2013. The effect of flow rate on the structure, distribution and succession phytoperiphyton rivers // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS. No 6. Ser. Environmental studies. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013. C. 91-95.
14. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA Ryabinkin AV, Kulikova TP, TA 2013. Chekryzheva Hydrobiology reservoirs Zaonezhie peninsula // Selgovye landscapes Zaonezhie peninsula: natural features, history of development and conservation. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013.180 with. ISBN 978-5-9274-0601-2
15. Slastina YL, Komulainen SF, LA Belicheva, Sharov YN 2013. Monitoring of urban tributaries of Lake Onega (for example, p. Lososinka) on hydrobiological indicators // State report on the state of the environment of the RK in 2013 GS 176-179. 2013.
16. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA, 2013. The structure of communities of aquatic organisms tributaries Vygozerskogo Volga reservoir // Journal of Ecology. 2013. № 3. S. 261 - 270
17. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Slastina YL, Tekanova EV, Klochkova MA 2013. The structure and functioning of communities of aquatic organisms in small water bodies of the city of Petrozavodsk // Water bodies Petrozavodsk : Textbook / Ed. AV Litvinenko, TI Regerand. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013. pp 67 - 73.
18. SF Komulainen 2013. Comparative characteristics phytoperiphyton rivers and lakes Zaonega Peninsula (Republic of Karelia. Russia) // Proceedings of the National Nature Reserve "Kivach" Issue 6. Petrozavodsk, 2013. pp 98-108
19. SF Komulainen, Kravchenko AV, IA, Slastina YL 2013 // Lakes Macrophytes Karelia. Handbook / Ed. N.N.Filatova, VI Kukhareva. Petrozavodsk: KSC RAS, 2013. S. 40-45.
20. Komulainen SF 2014. phytoperiphyton in Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia) reservoirs Proceedings of Karelian Research Centre of RAS. No 2. Ser. Biogeography and biocenology. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. C. 43-50.
21. Genkal SI, Komulainen SF 2015. For the flora Bacillariophyta river basin of Lake Onega // Botanical Journal. 2015, 100 (1): 21-33.
22. Genkal SI Chekryzheva TA, Komulainen SF 2015. To taxonomy Cyclotella comensis (Bacillariophyta) // Botanical Journal. 2015, 100 (4): 288-304.
23. Genkal SI, Komulainen SF 2015. The new data to the flora of the southern Bacillariophyta (Pomeranian) White Sea coast rivers (Republic of Karelia) // Biology of Inland Waters, 2015, № 2, p. 5-13
24. Genkal SI Chekryzheva TA, Komulainen SF 2015. Diatoms ponds and watercourses Karelia. Ans. Editor VT Devyatkin. Institute for Biology of Inland Waters. ID Papanin Sciences. M .: Science World, 2015. - 202
25. SF Komulainen 2015. Hydrobiological regime of tributaries of Lake Onega. Pp 153-160. // The largest lake-reservoirs of the North-west European part of Russia: current state and change of ecosystems under climatic and anthropogenic influences. Ed. Nikolai Filatov, NM Kalinkina, TP Kulikova, AV Litvinenko, PA Lozovik. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, 2015. 375 with silt.. 226, Table. 160. Bibliography. 739 titles.
26. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA 2015. The structure of communities of aquatic organisms tributaries Vygozerskogo reservoir S.337-342 // // The largest lake-reservoirs of the North-west European part of Russia: current state and change of ecosystems under climatic and anthropogenic influences. Ed. Nikolai Filatov, NM Kalinkina, TP Kulikova, AV Litvinenko, PA Lozovik. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, 2015. 375 with silt.. 226, Table. 160. Bibliography. 739 titles.
2. Komulainen SF 2011. phytoperiphyton Green Belt Rivers "// Proceedings Kar RC RAS, 2011, 2: 35-47.
3. Slastina YL, Komulainen SF, Potahin MS, MA, 2011. Klochkova kriofitona structure in lakes Petrozavodsk // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS №4. 2011. pp 138-141
4. Komulainen SF 2011. Environmental groups of algae and aquatic ecosystems, and classification problems. // B Proc .: algae, taxonomy, ecology, the use of monitoring. Ekaterinburg, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. 128-135
5. Slastina YL, Komulainen SF 2011. Features of the species structure and age characteristics of phytoplankton Lizhma river // B Proc .: algae, taxonomy, ecology, the use of monitoring. Ekaterinburg, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. 217-221.
6. Slastina YL, Komulainen SF, Potahin MS, MA, 2011. Klochkova kriofitona structure in lakes Petrozavodsk // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS №4. 2011. pp 138-141
7. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA Slastina YL 2011. Structure hydrobiocenoses some ponds of the reserve "Kivach" // Proceedings of the National Nature Reserve "Kivach" Issue 5. Petrozavodsk, 2011. S. 2012
8. Komulaynen S., Slastina J., Klochkova M. 2012. Winter algae communities in the lakes and rivers ecosystems (Karelia, Russia) // Current advances in algal taxonomy and its applications: phylogenetic, ecological and applied perspective. Eds K. WOLOWSKI, I. KACZMARSKA, J.M. EHRMAN & A.Z. WOJTAL), pp. 243-251. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow. Poland.
9. Komulainen SF, Slastina YL 2012. algocenoses structure reservoirs reserve "Kivach" // Natural processes and phenomena in the unique conditions of the middle-Preserve: Materials of scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of FGBI "State Nature Reserve" Kivach "Petrozavodsk:. Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences: 35-41.
10. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA 2012. The structure and functioning of communities of aquatic organisms in rivers of the southern (Pomeranian) coast of the White Sea // Proceedings of the Kola Science Centre of RAS "Applied Ecology of the North". Issue 1 109-126.
11. Komulainen S., Chekryzheva T. 2013. Response of algal communities to anthropogenic changes in mineralization 2013, Botanica lithuanica 19 (1): 57-66
12. SF Komulainen 2013. A review of the book Protasov AA Life in the hydrosphere Essays on general hydrobiologists // Proceedings Kar RC RAS, 2013, 4: 127-129.
13. SF Komulainen 2013. The effect of flow rate on the structure, distribution and succession phytoperiphyton rivers // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of RAS. No 6. Ser. Environmental studies. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013. C. 91-95.
14. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA Ryabinkin AV, Kulikova TP, TA 2013. Chekryzheva Hydrobiology reservoirs Zaonezhie peninsula // Selgovye landscapes Zaonezhie peninsula: natural features, history of development and conservation. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013.180 with. ISBN 978-5-9274-0601-2
15. Slastina YL, Komulainen SF, LA Belicheva, Sharov YN 2013. Monitoring of urban tributaries of Lake Onega (for example, p. Lososinka) on hydrobiological indicators // State report on the state of the environment of the RK in 2013 GS 176-179. 2013.
16. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA, 2013. The structure of communities of aquatic organisms tributaries Vygozerskogo Volga reservoir // Journal of Ecology. 2013. № 3. S. 261 - 270
17. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Slastina YL, Tekanova EV, Klochkova MA 2013. The structure and functioning of communities of aquatic organisms in small water bodies of the city of Petrozavodsk // Water bodies Petrozavodsk : Textbook / Ed. AV Litvinenko, TI Regerand. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013. pp 67 - 73.
18. SF Komulainen 2013. Comparative characteristics phytoperiphyton rivers and lakes Zaonega Peninsula (Republic of Karelia. Russia) // Proceedings of the National Nature Reserve "Kivach" Issue 6. Petrozavodsk, 2013. pp 98-108
19. SF Komulainen, Kravchenko AV, IA, Slastina YL 2013 // Lakes Macrophytes Karelia. Handbook / Ed. N.N.Filatova, VI Kukhareva. Petrozavodsk: KSC RAS, 2013. S. 40-45.
20. Komulainen SF 2014. phytoperiphyton in Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia) reservoirs Proceedings of Karelian Research Centre of RAS. No 2. Ser. Biogeography and biocenology. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. C. 43-50.
21. Genkal SI, Komulainen SF 2015. For the flora Bacillariophyta river basin of Lake Onega // Botanical Journal. 2015, 100 (1): 21-33.
22. Genkal SI Chekryzheva TA, Komulainen SF 2015. To taxonomy Cyclotella comensis (Bacillariophyta) // Botanical Journal. 2015, 100 (4): 288-304.
23. Genkal SI, Komulainen SF 2015. The new data to the flora of the southern Bacillariophyta (Pomeranian) White Sea coast rivers (Republic of Karelia) // Biology of Inland Waters, 2015, № 2, p. 5-13
24. Genkal SI Chekryzheva TA, Komulainen SF 2015. Diatoms ponds and watercourses Karelia. Ans. Editor VT Devyatkin. Institute for Biology of Inland Waters. ID Papanin Sciences. M .: Science World, 2015. - 202
25. SF Komulainen 2015. Hydrobiological regime of tributaries of Lake Onega. Pp 153-160. // The largest lake-reservoirs of the North-west European part of Russia: current state and change of ecosystems under climatic and anthropogenic influences. Ed. Nikolai Filatov, NM Kalinkina, TP Kulikova, AV Litvinenko, PA Lozovik. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, 2015. 375 with silt.. 226, Table. 160. Bibliography. 739 titles.
26. SF Komulainen, Kruglova, AN, Baryshev IA 2015. The structure of communities of aquatic organisms tributaries Vygozerskogo reservoir S.337-342 // // The largest lake-reservoirs of the North-west European part of Russia: current state and change of ecosystems under climatic and anthropogenic influences. Ed. Nikolai Filatov, NM Kalinkina, TP Kulikova, AV Litvinenko, PA Lozovik. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science, 2015. 375 with silt.. 226, Table. 160. Bibliography. 739 titles.
Curriculum Vitae:
Born January 24, 1950 in Petrozavodsk. Since 1975, after the biological faculty of Petrozavodsk State University he works in the Institute of Biology.
Last modified: February 26, 2016