Shaltaev Oleg
Sign inPosition(s):
- Research Probationer in the Department of Regional Institutional Development Institute of Economics KarRC RAS
Fax: +7 (8142) 57-07-27
Address: 185030, Petrozavodsk, A. Nevsky Ave., 50, Office 314
Кабинет 314
Petrozavodsk State University, Bachelor's degree in International Relations, 2017
Petrozavodsk State University, Master's degree in International Relations, 2019
Tampere University (Finland), Master's degree in Social Sciences, 2019
Professional Development:
• Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence training program, 2025
Major research trends: Development and application of data analysis and artificial intelligence methods in regional economics, including forecasting, institutional analysis, and modeling.
Scientific publications:
1. Shaltaev O.A. The Creative Work of Maria Alexandrovna Popova [Electronic resource] / O.A. Shaltaev // Scientific Research of Students and Young Scientists: Proceedings of the 66th All-Russian (with international participation) Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists. – Electronic article. – Petrozavodsk: PetrSU Publishing House, 2014. – pp. 3–8. – URL:
2. Shaltaev O.A. Histoire et Culture de la Nouvelle-Calédonie [Electronic resource] / O.A. Shaltaev // Scientific Research of Students and Young Scientists: Proceedings of the 68th All-Russian (with international participation) Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists. – Electronic article. – Petrozavodsk: PetrSU Publishing House, 2016. – pp. 55–56. – URL:
1. Hackathon on Artificial Intelligence in Modern Media"Kaleva 2030: The Future of Media" (November 14–16, 2024, Oulu, Finland)
2. Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists, Institute of Foreign Languages, PetrSU, section: "Current Issues of Humanitarian Researches", presentation: "Sport as a Migrants' Integrative Instrument in Sweden" (April 25, 2018)
3. International School"Peace and Diplomacy in Northern Europe in the 21st Century" (November 27 – December 2, 2017, Petrozavodsk)
4. International School"Prospects of European Integration: Comparison with Regional Integration Processes in Northern Europe" (March 13–17, 2017, Petrozavodsk)
5. International School"Peace and Conflict Transformation in Northern Europe" (October 14–17, 2015, Petrozavodsk)
Project Activities:
1. "Data Management" Project: Analysis and visualization of a commercial client's database using Python, NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib libraries, as well as creating interactive pages in Streamlit for visualizing statistical data. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (Finland), 2024
2. "Machine Learning" Project: Development of a machine learning algorithm to predict the level of customer satisfaction in a healthcare organization in the Kainuu region based on data from the last eight quarters, model training and accuracy assessment, creation of a Streamlit-based user interface. Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (Finland), 2024
3. Screenwriter of the documentary film"On Our Side" (2019), supported by a grant from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. The film explores the modern lifestyle of the borderland North and aspects of indigenous peoples assimilation process in the Republic of Karelia.