
Volkov Alexander

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Volkov A. D.

Academic degree: Cand. (PhD) of Economics

Contact phone(s): +7 (8142) 57-20-90 / Fax: +7 (8142) 76-96-00
Address: Author's profiles:
Web of Science

Education: Petrozavodsk State University; Specialty - management.

Major research trends: Scientific specialty: 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy

Scientific publications: 1. Волков А. Д., Аверьянов А. О., Рослякова Н. А., Тишков С. В. Измерение социокультурных характеристик по шести показателям модели Хофстеде: апробация инструментария для расчета значений на индивидуальном уровне // Вестник Института социологии, 2024. Том 15. № 1. С. 43–69. DOI: 10.19181/vis.2024.15.1.4.

2. Volkov A.D., Roslyakova N.A., Vasilieva A.V., Averyanov A.O., Tishkov S.V., Nalivaychenko E.V. Preferential Regime of the Russian Arctic: Tendencies and First Results from Realization of the World's Largest Special Economic Zone // Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2024. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 28. DOI 10.3390/jrfm17010028.

3. Рослякова Н.А., Волков А.Д. Эффективность преференциального режима для предприятий российской Арктики: инструментарий и результаты оценки // Арктика: экология и экономика, 2024. Т. 14, № 2. С. 238–248. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2024-2-238-248.

4. Volkov A. D., Tishkov S.V., Averyanov A.O. Perception of Environmental Problems by Residents of the Krasnoyarsk Krai Arctic Territories (Findings of Surveys in Norilsk and Dudinka) // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2024. – Vol. 17, No. 3. – P. 491–505.

5. Volkov A.D., Tishkov S.V., Karginova-Gubinova V.V., Kolesnikov N.G. Ecological Well-Being of the Russian Arctic Regions: Official Data and Population Estimates // Regional Research of Russia, 2023. Vol. 13. Suppl. 1. pp. S141–S155. DOI: 10.1134/S2079970523600154.

6. Волков А.Д., Симакова А.В. Арктический моногород: восприятие населением своего будущего в перспективах его развития // Регионология. 2022. Т. 30. № 4. С. 851–881. DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.121.030.202204.851-881.

7. Волков А. Д., Васильева А. В., Каргинова-Губинова В. В. Формирование экоиндустриальной зоны в карельской Арктике: пространственные предпосылки, ресурсный потенциал, человеческий капитал // Арктика: экология и экономика. 2022. Т. 12, № 4. С. 572–584. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2022-4-572-584

8. Vasilieva AV, Volkov AD, Karginova-Gubinova VV, Tishkov SV. Opportunities of Development of Eco-Tourism in the Karelian Arctic in the Conditions of the Existing Environmental and Social Challenges // Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2022. № 15(10):484. DOI: 10.3390/jrfm15100484

9. Волков А.Д., Тишков С.В. Стратегические приоритеты развития региона Карельской Арктики в условиях интеграции экономического пространства Арктической зоны России // Арктика и Север. 2022. № 46. С. 5–32. DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2022.46.5

10. Волков А.Д., Симакова А.В., Тишков С.В. Пространственная дифференциация факторов миграции населения арктического региона (на примере Карельской Арктики) // Регион: экономика и социология. 2022. № 3 (115). С. 155–186. DOI: 10.15372/REG20220307

11. Волков А. Д., Тишков С. В., Никитина А. С. Эволюция механизмов управления экономическим пространством российской Арктики: современный этап // Ars Administrandi (Искусство управления). 2022. Т. 14, № 2. С. 174–201. DOI: 10.17072/2218-9173-2022-2-174-201

12. Sergey Tishkov; Arsen Tleppayev; Valentina Karginova-Gubinova; Alexander Volkov; Anton Shcherbak Citizens’ Behavior as a Driver of Energy Transition and Greening of the Economy in the Russian Arctic: Findings of a Sociological Survey in the Murmansk Region and Karelia // Applied Science, 2022. № 12 (3). 1460.

13. Volkov A.D., Tishkov S.V., Karginova-Gubinova V.V., Shcherbak A.P. Environmental Problems of the Arctic Region: How Do Official Data Correlate to the Population’s Perceptions? // Regional Research of Russia. 2021. vol. 11. No. 1. pp. S97- S110. DOI: 10.1134/S2079970522010105.

14. Волков А.Д., Тишков С.В., Дружинин П.В. Природные ресурсы, система расселения и роль моногородов в развитии пространственной организации регионального хозяйства Карельской Арктики // Арктика: экология и экономика, 2021. Том 11, № 4. С. 582-595.

15. Karginova-Gubinova, V.; Volkov, A.; Tishkov, S.; Shcherbak, A. 2021. The impact of economic interests on eco-consumption: the case of the Russian Arctic Zone of Karelia, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 8(4): 68-84.

16. Tishkov, S.; Shcherbak, A.; Karginova-Gubinova, V.; Volkov, A.; Tleppayev, A.; Pakhomova, A. 2020. Assessment the role of renewable energy in socio-economic development of rural and Arctic regions // Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 7(4): Pages: 3354-3368

Experience of pedagogical activity: 1). Karelian branch of the RANEPA, special course "Karelian Arctic: socio-economic processes and features of development in the newest conditions", 2022 - present. temp.
2). Karelian branch of the RANEPA, a series of lectures as part of advanced training programs on the economic development of the Arctic zone in general and the Karelian Arctic in particular:
"History of the development of the Arctic".
"Modern Perspective on the Development of the World and Russian Arctic".
«Karelian Arctic».
"Regulatory framework for the development of the Arctic zone of Russia".
"State Support for Entrepreneurship". RANEPA, 2022
3). "Estimation of the value of business", "Economics of the company" IMPE them. Griboedov, Petrozavodsk branch, 2015-2016
4). "Theory and practice of economic reforms", Karelian branch of the RANEPA, 2014.

Scietific-organizational and expert activities:
Projects of Russian scientific foundations:
1). Russian Science Foundation, head of the project No. 23-78-10192 Formation of the ethnometric basis for the institutional design of the Russian Arctic: the mutual influence of culture, economic space and social selection in macrosystems, 2023-2026.
2). Russian Science Foundation executor project No. 21-18-00500 Institutional engineering of single-industry towns in the Arctic zone - modernization and sustainable development. 2021-2023.
3). Key executor of the RFBR project No. 20-010-00245 "Current state and forecasting of the environmental and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation" 2020-2022.
4). RFBR executor project No. 20-310-70005 "Development of methods for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of the economy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation based on economic and mathematical modeling" 2019 - 2021
5). RFBR executor project No. 17-06-00691 "Research and development of models for the formation of regional socio-economic network communities" 2017-2019.
6). RFBR executor project No. 17-02-12022-OGN "Automated information system for ensuring the quality of measurements in the collection and operational analysis of economic and sociological research data" 2017-2018.

International projects:
1). Head of the sociological part of the research in Russia. Kone Foundation grant (Koneen Säätiö, grant 202005775) "RETention forestry as a tool to secure Resilience and sustainability in Operational FORest management" (RETROFOR) (2020 - suspended in 2022 due to restrictions in international relations at the country level).
2). Executor Karelia ENPI CBC. KA5013 "WasteLess Karelias", 2018-2020.
3). Executor Karelia ENPI CBC KA5002 "ECODIVE - Diverse and clean forests - successful bioeconomy" 2019 - 2020.
4). Executor Karelia ENPI CBC KA1030 "Ethno-cultural potential in tourist industry of border territories". December 2018 – November 2019.

Major business contracts:
1). Executor "Updating the calculation of the processing price at the pulp and paper enterprise", 2020
2).Executor "Economic justification for the formation of the standard cost of production of the pulp and paper enterprise", 2018-2019.

Other education and expertise
  • Training in working with the program "Automated system for planning and analyzing the effectiveness of investment projects" Project Expert March 16-20, 2020 Certificate number: CC-20/2283 Expert Systems LLC

  • Last modified: October 17, 2024