August 20, 2024
“Regional cooperation within BRICS” conference to gather scientists from Russia, India, China, and Ethiopia in Petrozavodsk

This fall Petrozavodsk will be a venue for discussing the environmental problems of BRICS regions. On September 18-20, experts from Russia, India, China and Ethiopia will gather at the Karelian Research Center RAS for the international conference “Regional cooperation within BRICS: modern environmental and nature management issues”. This is the only regional platform in the country dedicated to the development of scientific and practical cooperation between BRICS member states on this topic.
On September 18-20, Petrozavodsk will host the second international conference “Regional cooperation within BRICS”. This is the first and so far the only regional platform in the country dedicated to the development of scientific and practical cooperation between the BRICS countries. The key topics for discussion this year will be modern problems of ecology and nature management.

– Ecology and nature management are among the key research areas for the Karelian Research Centre RAS. The conference is an opportunity for us to find potential partners and to present our own rich experience and scientific and technical developments in this sphere, – remarked KarRC RAS Acting Director General, RAS Corr. Academician Olga Bakhmet.

The first conference dedicated to BRICS regional cooperation was held at KarRC RAS in 2023. Besides the new topics, this year's forum has changed its scope: in addition to the main sessions, there will be side events for representatives of social and political sciences and non-governmental organizations, as well as a separate session for young scientists. In addition, the geography of participants has grown significantly due to the expansion of the interstate alliance: on January 1, 2024, Egypt, Iran, UAE, and Ethiopia joined BRICS.

The forum will gather about 200 participants from Russia and abroad. In particular, experts from Belarus, India, China and Ethiopia will attend the events in person, and scientists from Brazil, South Africa and Egypt are expected to confirm their participation. Russia will be represented at the conference by participants from more than 25 regions, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Volgograd Regions, Republic of Buryatia and other federation subjects.

The topics to be discussed at the sessions include global and regional climate change, carbon balance monitoring; study of water bodies and terrestrial ecosystems under global warming and human impact; topical issues of PA designation and nature protection; development of industrial ecology and green economy, as well as opportunities for cooperation and networking.

The conference is organized by the Karelian Research Centre RAS in collaboration with the Russian National Committee on BRICS Research under an active cooperation agreement, and supported by the RITM Carbon Consortium within the State-significance Key Innovative Project of National Importance “Unified National System for Monitoring Climate Active Substances”

Photo by Igor Georgievski

See also:

September 9, 2024
Conference on adaptations of organisms to northern environments started in Petrozavodsk

This week, the results of research in ecology, physiology and biochemistry of plants, animals and humans will be presented and discussed at the Karelian Research Centre RAS. The conference “Basic and applied aspects of adaptation of living organisms to changing environments in the North” has gathered over 130 scientists from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan.
September 2, 2024
Forest conservation issues discussed at the Karelian Research Centre RAS

On September 2, the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Forest Productivity under Climate Change” opened in Petrozavodsk. It is organized by the Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Center RAS and the Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences. During this week scientists will discuss the problems of forest conservation, restoration and sustainable use. More than 200 people from 55 organizations from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are participating in the event.
August 30, 2024
Scientists study the locations of peasant water mills in Karelian forests

The siting of peasant water mills and their remains have drawn the attention of scientists from the Karelian Research Center RAS. The researchers are studying and popularizing certain aspects of local history related to peasant livelihoods in the region at the 19th-20th centuries transition within an educational project supported by the Grant Fund of the Head of the Republic of Karelia.
August 26, 2024
Mathematicians from different regions discussing issues of the applied probability theory at a workshop in Petrozavodsk

Scientists from Russia and abroad are discussing aspects of the queuing theory, stochastic modeling and applied probability theory at the international workshop SMARTY 2024 held at organized by the Institute of Applied Mathematical Research KarRC RAS. The workshop is held in Petrozavodsk every two years. Special focus is on high-performance computing systems and current trends, in particular quantum computing and reliability theory.