The conference “Forest productivity under climate change” started at the Karelian Research Centre RAS. The event is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and timed to the 100th anniversary of N.I. Kazimirov - Corresponding Fellow of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Nikolai Ivanovich worked at the Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS from 1954 to 1995.
Speaking in the opening ceremony, KarRC RAS Acting Director General Olga Bakhmet remarked that the academic writings of Nikolai Kazimirov are desk companions for Karelian scientists.
— Nikolai Ivanovich is rightfully considered a classic of forest science! For decades he worked in the Karelian Research Center RAS and his monographs are exemplary for setting up experiments and analyzing the results, — noted Olga Bakhmet.
— Under the scientist's leadership, integrated studies of forest productivity were carried out, mathematical models of forest growth in different ecological conditions were compiled. The results of these studies have not lost their relevance to this day, — stressed Director of the Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS Alexander Kryshen in his opening speech.
Olga Bakhmet, KarRC RAS Acting Director General, and Alexander Kryshen, Director of the Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS
Sergey Moshnikov, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Boreal Forest Dynamics and Productivity of the Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS, elaborated on the main aspects of Nikolai Kazimirov's work. The scientist especially highlighted the compilation of forest valuation tables. They were created using a huge amount of data: the tables are based on materials from more than 400 sample plots and over 5 thousand model trees.
The core program of the conference is devoted to the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of forests, selective breeding of woody plants, methods of assessing the productivity of forest ecosystems, development of forest biotechnologies and the climate-regulating role of forests. A special session on Tuesday will be devoted to forest climate projects with discussion of the results of activities of the RITM Carbon consortium.
One of the speakers at the opening ceremony was Natalya Lukina, Director of the Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairperson of the RAS Scientific Council on Forest, Leader of the RITM Carbon consortium. She emphasized the importance of integrated research into boreal ecosystems and told about the role of biogenic mechanisms in organic carbon accumulation in forest soils.
Director of the Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS Alexander Kryshen told about the main fields of activity for the institute’s specialists and presented major results of boreal forest research.
In addition to the presentations and sessions, the conference will include a trip to a site for testing carbon pools and fluxes in pine forests in the Kivach Nature Reserve. Scientists will also visit the Petrozavodsk forest seed orchard.
September 2, 2024
On September 2, the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Forest Productivity under Climate Change” opened in Petrozavodsk. It is organized by the Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Center RAS and the Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences. During this week scientists will discuss the problems of forest conservation, restoration and sustainable use. More than 200 people from 55 organizations from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are participating in the event.
See also:
December 13, 2024
Hydrogen energy and iron ore mining: scientists tell about research in sectors of strategic importance
Experts in physical, mathematical and geological sciences presented the results of their research at a meeting of the KarRC RAS Learned Council. Ekaterina Kostikova, Senior Researcher at IAMR KarRC RAS, told about the application of mathematical modeling in the development and use of materials for hydrogen energy. The lecture by Alexander Slabunov, Principal Researcher at the Institute of Geology KarRC RAS, was devoted to banded iron formations of the Kostomukshskoye deposit - important for the economy and unique from the scientific perspective.
Experts in physical, mathematical and geological sciences presented the results of their research at a meeting of the KarRC RAS Learned Council. Ekaterina Kostikova, Senior Researcher at IAMR KarRC RAS, told about the application of mathematical modeling in the development and use of materials for hydrogen energy. The lecture by Alexander Slabunov, Principal Researcher at the Institute of Geology KarRC RAS, was devoted to banded iron formations of the Kostomukshskoye deposit - important for the economy and unique from the scientific perspective.
December 9, 2024
Scientists investigate the efficacy of the different giant hogweed eradication methods and how they affect the soil
The effect of Sosnowski hogweed on soil nematode communities is scrutinized at the Laboratory of Animal and Plant Parasitology IB KarRC RAS within a new study. From the basic science perspective, its results will broaden the understanding of the settlement patterns of soil organisms and their relationships with plants. In the practical sense, it will test different methods of controlling hogweed, evaluate their effectiveness and impact on soil ecosystems. Experiments at the KarRC RAS Agrobiological Station have yielded the first results.
The effect of Sosnowski hogweed on soil nematode communities is scrutinized at the Laboratory of Animal and Plant Parasitology IB KarRC RAS within a new study. From the basic science perspective, its results will broaden the understanding of the settlement patterns of soil organisms and their relationships with plants. In the practical sense, it will test different methods of controlling hogweed, evaluate their effectiveness and impact on soil ecosystems. Experiments at the KarRC RAS Agrobiological Station have yielded the first results.
December 6, 2024
The results of soil research by Karelian scientists enrich Russian national and world databases
The Karelian soil science school plays a prominent role in soil studies in Russia. At KarRC RAS, specialists from three research units deal with this discipline: Forest Research Institute, Institute of Biology and Department for Multidisciplinary Research. On the World Soil Day scientists told about their activities in a popular science format. Pollution monitoring, estimation of carbon pools, investigation of peat soils and study of soil organisms - visitors of the KarRC RAS Environmental Museum learned about this and much more on December 5.
The Karelian soil science school plays a prominent role in soil studies in Russia. At KarRC RAS, specialists from three research units deal with this discipline: Forest Research Institute, Institute of Biology and Department for Multidisciplinary Research. On the World Soil Day scientists told about their activities in a popular science format. Pollution monitoring, estimation of carbon pools, investigation of peat soils and study of soil organisms - visitors of the KarRC RAS Environmental Museum learned about this and much more on December 5.