September 24, 2024
The first industrial curly birch crop to be planted in the republic

Karelian Research Center RAS employees prepared planting stock of curly birch for its first industrial-scale crop. The plantation will be created under the three-party cooperation agreement between the Karelian Research Center RAS, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Karelia and Segezha Group PJSC.
The first industrial curly birch crop will be planted in Karelia in the fall.

— The planting stock was prepared by staff of the KarRC RAS Woody Seedling Experimental and Production Department - a separate scientific and production facility designed to develop the technology for industrial-scale curly birch breeding and to create conditions for replication of seedlings of this woody crop. Several things made the establishment of an industrial plantation of curly birch possible. A unique collection of in vitro clones of rare birch species has been created at the Karelian Research Center RAS, the bulk of which (32 genotypes) is curly birch. It is carefully maintained by staff of the Forest Research Institute. Genetic material from this collection is used to create curly birch seedlings for industrial cultivation. Clonal micropropagation, which KarRC RAS scientists have been practicing since the 1990s, is the most efficient technique for producing seedlings of this tree crop which guarantees the preservation of unique traits of the source trees, — told Olga Bakhmet, KarRC RAS Acting Director General.

Проводить такие работы в большом объеме позволит современное оборудование для клонирования и выращивания саженцев, закупленное Карельским научным центром РАН.

The plantation will be created under the three-party cooperation agreement between the Karelian Research Center RAS, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Karelia and Segezha Group PJSC.

See also:

December 13, 2024
Hydrogen energy and iron ore mining: scientists tell about research in sectors of strategic importance

Experts in physical, mathematical and geological sciences presented the results of their research at a meeting of the KarRC RAS Learned Council. Ekaterina Kostikova, Senior Researcher at IAMR KarRC RAS, told about the application of mathematical modeling in the development and use of materials for hydrogen energy. The lecture by Alexander Slabunov, Principal Researcher at the Institute of Geology KarRC RAS, was devoted to banded iron formations of the Kostomukshskoye deposit - important for the economy and unique from the scientific perspective.
December 9, 2024
Scientists investigate the efficacy of the different giant hogweed eradication methods and how they affect the soil

The effect of Sosnowski hogweed on soil nematode communities is scrutinized at the Laboratory of Animal and Plant Parasitology IB KarRC RAS within a new study. From the basic science perspective, its results will broaden the understanding of the settlement patterns of soil organisms and their relationships with plants. In the practical sense, it will test different methods of controlling hogweed, evaluate their effectiveness and impact on soil ecosystems. Experiments at the KarRC RAS Agrobiological Station have yielded the first results.
December 6, 2024
The results of soil research by Karelian scientists enrich Russian national and world databases

The Karelian soil science school plays a prominent role in soil studies in Russia. At KarRC RAS, specialists from three research units deal with this discipline: Forest Research Institute, Institute of Biology and Department for Multidisciplinary Research. On the World Soil Day scientists told about their activities in a popular science format. Pollution monitoring, estimation of carbon pools, investigation of peat soils and study of soil organisms - visitors of the KarRC RAS Environmental Museum learned about this and much more on December 5.