Petrov, Nikolay Projects
Forestry effects on biological diversity in various types of landscapes in the northwest of the Russian boreal zone
(2016-2017 , Gromtsev, Andrey N., , 0220-2015-0014)The consequences of anthropogenic transformation of biotic components in boreal landscapes under different nature use scenarios in Northwest Russia
(2013-2016 , Gromtsev, Andrey N., , 154, , 0220-2014-0007)MULTIple Eco-Friendly FORest use: Restoring Traditions – MULTI EFFORT within Karelia ENPI CBC Programme (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Cross-border Co-operation Programme)
(2012-2014 )Waterside protection forests in the northwest of the Russian boreal zone: landscape characteristics, current state and functioning
(2012-2014 , Gromtsev, Andrey N., )Investigation of regularities in the anthropogenic change of the bioresource potential, biodiversity and operation of biogeographic corridors in the northwest of the Russian boreal zone
(2010-2012 , Gromtsev, Andrey N., , 145)Identification of trends in anthropogenic dynamics and development of methods for regulating biodiversity in the taiga region based on the landscape approach
(2007-2009 , Gromtsev, Andrey N., , 139)Inventory of the natural complexes and feasibility study of the Gridino landscape reserve
(2007 , Gromtsev, Andrey N., )Inventory of the natural complexes and nature conservation assessment of the Chukozero area
(2006 , Gromtsev, Andrey N., , программа Отд.биол.наук РАН)About member Petrov, Nikolay
Last modified: March 15, 2022