Scientific publications
Е.В. Молчанова.
Модель выбора оптимальной стратегии управления медико-демографическими процессами
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Регион: экономика и управление. 2012. C. 77-84
E.V. Molchanova. Model for choosing the optimal strategy of managing medical-demographic processes // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Region: Economy and Management. 2012. Pp. 77-84
Keywords: Medical-demographic tendencies, health, region, economic-mathematical methods
The socio-economic and environmental factors influencing medical-demographic tendencies in Russia and Republic of Karelia are considered. Mathematical methods of economic analysis (correlation, regression analysis) were employed in the study. The mathematical model for choosing the optimal strategy of managing medical-demographic processes is developed. The priorities of the socio-economic policy meant to amend the adverse medical-demographic tendencies are defined using the model.
trudy_2012_6__077.pdf (372 Kb, total downloads: 763)
Last modified: July 5, 2013