
Scientific publications

Е.А. Михель.
Институциональная структура демографического развития Карелии
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Регион: экономика и управление. 2012. C. 85-94
E.A. Mikhel. Institutional structure of demographic development in Karelia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Region: Economy and Management. 2012. Pp. 85-94
Keywords: demography, institutions, Republic of Karelia
We analyse the institutional framework of the demographic development of the region: the impacts of formal and informal institutions. Having performed statistical analysis of demographic data we have worked out and present the typology of municipalities based on demographic well-being, and report the spatial distribution of growth and migration rates with a comparative analysis of data from Finland. Measures are proposed to optimize the management of the demographic development of the region.

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Last modified: July 5, 2013