
Scientific publications

И.В. Мелик-Гайказов, Т.А. Ковырзина, Ф.Д. Ларичкин, Ю.Г. Глущенко, В.Д. Новосельцева.
Обоснование уровня индивидуальной рентабельности и целесообразности производства продуктов комбинированной переработки многокомпонентного минерального сырья
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Регион: экономика и управление. 2012. C. 163-171
I.V. Melik Gaikazov, T.A.Kovyrzina, F.D. Larichkin, Yu.G. Glushchenko, V.D. Novoseltseva. Substantiation of individual profitability and expediency levels of manufacturing the products of combined processing of multi-component mineral raw materials // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 6. Region: Economy and Management. 2012. Pp. 163-171
Keywords: multi-component raw materials, combined processing, equal and different individual profitability, profitability and economic efficiency
The article discusses the results of a comparative critical analysis ofthe opinions among domestic and foreign researchers (in which no consensus has been reached yet) as to equal or different profitability (relative to cost value) of the products of combined multi-product processing of multi-component mineral raw materials. The special conditions under which profitability of all products is equal, and is otherwise different were revealed. We demonstrate that a specific product of combined processing may in a number of cases remain economically efficient even if its individual profitability is negative.

trudy_2012_6__163.pdf (140 Kb, total downloads: 402)

Last modified: July 6, 2013