
Scientific publications

Д.Б. Денисов, В.А. Даувальтер, Н.А. Кашулин.
Диатомовые комплексы донных отложений озера Имандра в зоне влияния подогретых вод Кольской АЭС
D.B. Denisov, V.A. Dauvalter, N.A. Kashulin. Diatom complexes of the Imandra lake sediments in the area affected by heated water from the Kola nuclear power plant // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 9. Limnology. 2015. Pp. 10-24
Keywords: diatom analysis; sediments; paleolimnology; subarctic lake; thermal pollution
Diatom assemblages in Lake Imandra sediments (Kola Peninsula) were investigated in the area affected by heated discharges from the Kola NPP. Diatoms responses to the environmental changes were analyzed; the main stages in the lake ecosystem development were revealed; the water characteristics (pH, saprobity) were reconstructed by diatoms models. It is shown that the influence of thermal pollution has been the most conspicuous at the present stage of the lake development. The consequences of climatic changes since the Little Ice Age were revealed.
Last modified: October 16, 2015