
Scientific publications

Б.С. Шульман, Е.П. Иешко, И.Л. Щуров, Б.О. Ёнсен, А. Енсен.
Особенности паразитофауны рыб реки Вефсна (Северная Норвегия)
// Лососевидные рыбы Восточной Фенноскандии. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 191-194
B.S. Shulman, E.P. Ieshko, I.L. Shchurov, B.O. Johnsen, A.J. Jensen. Specific features of the fish parasite fauna in river Vefsha (Northern Norway) // Salmonid fishes of Eastern Fennoscandia. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2005. Pp. 191-194
The paper presents the results of the parasitological study of juvenile Atlantic salmon, brown trout and grayling from River Vefsna (Northern Norway). Data on the infestations rates are reported. A total of 24 parasite species belonging to 7 taxonomic groups were found: flagellates – 1, myxosporidians – 5, infusorians – 5, monogeneans – 3, cestodes – 3, trematodes – 6, parasitic crustaceans – 1. The heaviest infestation was recorded in the brown trout (17 parasite species), the lowest – in Atlantic salmon parr (4 sp.). It is stressed that the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the fish parasite fauna in River Vefsna are determined by the specific hydrological and hydrobiological regimes, as well as the fish species composition in the river.

B.S. Shulman, E.P. Ieshko, I.L. Shchurov, B.O. Johnsen, A.J. Jensen. Specific features of the fish parasite fauna in river Vefsha (Northern Norway) (214 Kb, total downloads: 292)

Last modified: November 21, 2006