
Scientific publications

Геникова Н.В., Мамонтов В.Н.
К вопросу организации экологического маршрута вдоль реки Илекса (НП «Водлозерский»)
Genikova N.V., Mamontov V.N. About organization of a nature-tourism route along the Ileksa river (Vodlozersky national park) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Scientific research in strict nature reserves and national parks of Russia. 2017. Pp. 99-103
Keywords: plant communities; biodiversity; coenotic diversity; the Ileksa River; nature trail
The results of surveys of the diversity of plant communities on the banks of the Ileksa River along a water tourism route in Vodlozersky National Park are reported. The diversity of plant communities is demonstrated through 59 relevés of forest, mire and meadow sites. The diversity includes typical boreal plant communities, unique highly productive forest stands and biotopes with high biodiversity. The ways of using this water tourism route for environmental education and awareness activities are considered.
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Last modified: August 1, 2017