Scientific publications

Б.В. Раевский, А.А. Мордась.
Селекционно-генетическая оценка клонов сосны обыкновенной на лесосеменных плантациях первого порядка: учебно-методическое пособие
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. 91 с.
B.V. Raevsky, A.A. Mordas. Breeding and genetic evaluation of scotch pine clones in I generation grafted seed orchards. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2006. 91 p.
The data concerning growth and reproductive activity of Scotch pine clones growing at Olonets seed orchard have been analyzed and generalized over the last 30 years. It was found that genotype peculiarities and growth season's weather conditions strongly affected cone yield abundance and periodicity within pine seed orchards. Some regression models and new improved method concerning seed yield forecast have been designed using the regularities revealed. Original technique of morphological depiction has been constructed based on the set of cone and seed and tree habitus features to facilitate breeding process with Scotch pine.
selekc_genet_ocenka.pdf (1.52 Mb, total downloads: 1004)
Last modified: April 5, 2016