Scientific publications
В.В. Гусев, В.В. Мазалов.
Устойчивые по Оуэну коалиционные разбиения в играх с векторными платежами
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 10, в. 3. 2018. C. 3-23
Vasily Gusev, Vladimir Mazalov. Owen-stable coalition partitions in games with vector payoffs // Mathematical Game Theory and Applications, 10(3). 2018. Pp. 3-23
Keywords: Owen value, coalition partition stability, multicriteria cooperative game
The paper is devoted to the study of multicriteria cooperative games with vector payoffs and coalition partition. The imputation which is based on the concept of the Owen value is proposed. We use it for the definition of stable coalition partition for bicriteria games. In three person cooperative game with 0-1 characteristic function the conditions under which the coalition partition is stable are found.
DOI: 10.17076/mgta3_6
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)
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Last modified: January 29, 2019