
Scientific publications

В.В. Мазалов, В.А. Хитрая.
Модифицированное значение Майерсона для определения центральности вершин графа
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 11, в. 2. 2019. C. 19-39
Vladimir V. Mazalov, Vitaliya A. Khitraya. Modified Mayerson value for determining the centrality of graph vertices // Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Vol 11, No 2. 2019. Pp. 19-39
Keywords: networks, paths with cycles, centrality measure, cooperative game, Myerson value
To analyze the structure of social networks, we can use methods of cooperative game theory. One of such methods is based on the calculation of the Myerson values as a measure of the centrality of the vertices in the graph. In this case, the number of paths of a certain length in the subgraphs corresponding to the coalitions is used as the characteristic function. The paper proposes a modification of the Myerson value for the case when the paths in the graph containing cycles are included in the consideration. The effectiveness of this approach is shown on a number of examples.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

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Last modified: June 5, 2019