
Scientific publications

А.В. Чернов.
О дифференциальных играх в банаховом пространстве на фиксированной цепочке
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 12, в. 3. 2020. C. 89-118
Andrey V. Chernov. Differential games in a banach space on a fixed chain // Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Vol 12, No 3. 2020. Pp. 89-118
Keywords: differential game, nonlinear differential equation in a Banach
space, Volterra set chain, piecewise program strategies, ε-equilibrium.
The paper is devoted to obtaining the sufficient conditions for existence of ε-equilibrium in the sense of piecewise program strategies in antagonistic games associated with nonlinear non-autonomous controlled differential equation in a Banach space and cost functional of a general enough form. The concept of piecewise program strategies in such a game is defined on the base of a concept of Volterra set chain for a right-hand operator of the corresponding integral equation controlled by the opponent players and according to a given partition of the time segment. As example we consider the game associated with a nonlinear pseudoparabolic partial differential equation governing the evolution of electric field in a semiconductor.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

vol_12_3_89-118_chernov.pdf (174 Kb, total downloads: 80)

Last modified: December 23, 2020