Scientific publications
Е.В. Громова, Е.В. Марова.
Супераддитивное расширение характеристических функций в кооперативных дифференциальных играх
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 12, в. 4. 2020. C. 40-61
Ekaterina V. Gromova, Ekaterina V. Marova. Superadditive extension of characteristic functions for cooperative differential games // Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Vol 12, No 4. 2020. Pp. 40-61
Keywords: cooperative games, characteristic function, differential games, superadditivity
The paper provides a constructive theorem that allows one to construct a superadditive characteristic function in a differential game based on a non-superadditive one. As an example, a differential game is considered in which the δ – and η – characteristic functions are not superadditive. An additional construction is carried out and it is shown that the obtained functions satisfy superadditivity
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)
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Last modified: December 23, 2020