Scientific publications
А.В. Чернов.
О дифференциальных играх в банаховом пространстве без дискриминации
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 15, в. 1. 2023. C. 90-127
Andrey V. Chernov. Differential games in a Banach space without discrimination // Mathematical game theory and applications. Vol 15. No 1. 2023. Pp. 90-127
Keywords: differential game, nonlinear differential equation in the Banach space, Volterra set chain, piecewise program strategies, Ε-equilibrium
The paper is a continuation of author’s research on the question of Ε-equilibrium existence in the sense of piecewise program strategies in antagonistic games associated with nonlinear non-autonomous controlled differential equation in the Banach space and cost functional of a general form. Just as in the paper published earlier on this subject, the main result consists in sufficient conditions of Ε-equilibrium. The difference is that we investigate the game without discrimination of players and without fixing Volterra chain. Application of results obtained in the paper is illustrated by example of the game associated with a nonlinear pseudoparabolic partial differential equation governing the evolution of electric field in a semiconductor.
vol15_1_90_chernov.pdf (492 Kb, total downloads: 117)
Last modified: September 21, 2023