
Scientific publications

М.А. Ходякова.
Задача максимизации средней суммарной силы выживших в сражении и турнире для модели игры гладиаторов
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 16, в. 2. 2024. C. 66-91
Mariya A. Khodyakova. How to maximize the total strength of survivors in the battle and the tournament in the gladiator game model // Mathematical game theory and applications. Vol 16. No 2. 2024. Pp. 66-91
Keywords: colonel Blotto games, gladiator games, optimal strategy, Nash equilibrium
In 1984, Kaminsky, Luks and Nelson formulated the gladiator game model of two teams. Suppose that a team wants to maximize its expected strength at the end of the battle. We consider an optimization problem: how to distribute the team’s strength among its gladiators. In the above we suppose that the teams distribute their strengths at the begining of the battle. We also consider Nash equilibria when the teams may change gladiators’ strengths before every fight. We consider two cases. In both, the first team wants to maximize its strength. The second team wants to maximize its strength too in the first case or wants to minimize the first team’s strength in the second case.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

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Last modified: July 10, 2024