
Scientific publications

Трофимова Ф.А., Лыгина Т.З., Сабитов А.А., Губайдуллина А.М., Пермяков Е.Н., Шамсемухаметова И.В., Шинкарев А.А.
Влияние механоактивационных процессов на изменение коллоидных и реологических свойств бентонитовых глин
// Результаты фундаментальных и прикладных исследований по разработке методик технологической оценки руд металлов и промышленных минералов на ранних стадиях геологоразведочных работ. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. C. 99-110
Trofimova, F.А., Lygina, Т.Z., Sabitov, А.А., Gubaidullina, А.М., Permyakov, Е.N., Shamsemukhametova, I.V. and Shinkarev, А.А. The effect of mechanical activation processes on changes in the colloid and rheological properties of bentonitic clays // Results of fundamental and applied studies on methods for technological evalution of metallic ores and industrial minerals at the early stages of geological prospecting. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2006. Pp. 99-110
The results of physical, chemical and technological studies are discussed. They have shown that unaltered finelycrystalline micas are not inferior in complex properties to macrocrystalline micas of the same varieties. Mica from old spoil heaps
change their properties slightly in comparison with newly-mined and could thus be equally used. The basic criteria of quality and technological properties are presented. This will enable to estimate the amount of small-sized mica in layers (ores), using technological methods of dressing. This, in turn, will allow us to consider it with crystal sizes of –20+5 mm and –5+0.0 mm. We will be able to increase mineral reserves 4-8 times, if they are overestimated. Methods for development of schematic diagram of dressing to produce –20+0.0 mm mica concentrates are proposed. Types of work, based on technological mineralogy at geological exploration and geological-technological mapping stages, are recommended. Arguments are provided in favour of the multipurpose
use of the main commercial mineral, mica ores and overburden, which expands the assortment of products and doubles the
economical efficiency of the use of mineral resources and their total cost.

resultaty_rud_metal_99.pdf (622 Kb, total downloads: 1288)

Last modified: January 29, 2007