
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 8. Сер. Экологические исследования
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

Articles in journal:

Origional Articles5
Nazarova L.E. Changes in the long-term soil temperature regime in Karelia5
Vetchinnikova L.V., Titov A.F., Tatarinova T.D. Features of the fatty acid composition of glycolipids in buds of silver birch growing under different natural and climatic conditions14
Iglovsky S.A., Bazhenov A.V., Yakovlev E.Yu. Patterns in the spatial distribution of natural and man-made radionuclides in urban soils and bottom sediments of lakes of Monchegorsk27
Dobronravina V.N., Volkova E.A., Khramtsov V.N. Dynamics of recreational pine stands in Ozero Shchuchye Nature Reserve (St. Petersburg)42
Bakhmet I.N., Ekimov D.A. Cardiac activity of Mytilus edulis L. of different ages under temperature changes51
Stolyarov A.P. Features of the spatial and species structure of macro- and pseudomeiobenthos in lagoon ecosystems of Kislaya Bay head (Gulf of Kandalaksha, White Sea)60
Zdorovennova G.E., Palshin N.I., Zdorovennov R.E., Bogdanov S.R., Efremova T.V., Smirnov S.I., Novikova Iu.S. Oxygen regime of Lake Vendyurskoe in winter in response to trout farm operations73
Short communications84
Bazegsky D.V., Vasilieva A.V. Experience in implementing environmental projects of the Karelia CBC programme and prospects for its use in regions of the Russian Arctic84
Dates and anniversaries100
Shibaeva T.G. Alexander F. Titov (on the 75th anniversary)100
Matveeva E.M., Kaznina N.M. Evgenii P. Ieshko (on the 75th anniversary)104
Sterligova O.P., Baryshev I.A., Il’mast N.V. Sergei F. Komulainen (on the 75th anniversary)108
Kretova A.Yu., Matantseva M.V., Artem’ev A.V., Simonov S.A., Rymkevich T.A. In memory of Nikolai V. Lapshin (1946–2024)112
Last modified: December 28, 2024