Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 8. Сер. Экологические исследования
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)
Origional Articles | 5 |
Nazarova L.E. Changes in the long-term soil temperature regime in Karelia | 5 |
Vetchinnikova L.V., Titov A.F., Tatarinova T.D. Features of the fatty acid composition of glycolipids in buds of silver birch growing under different natural and climatic conditions | 14 |
Iglovsky S.A., Bazhenov A.V., Yakovlev E.Yu. Patterns in the spatial distribution of natural and man-made radionuclides in urban soils and bottom sediments of lakes of Monchegorsk | 27 |
Dobronravina V.N., Volkova E.A., Khramtsov V.N. Dynamics of recreational pine stands in Ozero Shchuchye Nature Reserve (St. Petersburg) | 42 |
Bakhmet I.N., Ekimov D.A. Cardiac activity of Mytilus edulis L. of different ages under temperature changes | 51 |
Stolyarov A.P. Features of the spatial and species structure of macro- and pseudomeiobenthos in lagoon ecosystems of Kislaya Bay head (Gulf of Kandalaksha, White Sea) | 60 |
Zdorovennova G.E., Palshin N.I., Zdorovennov R.E., Bogdanov S.R.,
Efremova T.V., Smirnov S.I., Novikova Iu.S. Oxygen regime of Lake Vendyurskoe in winter in response to trout farm operations | 73 |
Short communications | 84 |
Bazegsky D.V., Vasilieva A.V. Experience in implementing environmental projects of the Karelia CBC programme and prospects for its use in regions of the Russian Arctic | 84 |
Chronicle | 94 |
Dates and anniversaries | 100 |
Shibaeva T.G. Alexander F. Titov (on the 75th anniversary) | 100 |
Matveeva E.M., Kaznina N.M. Evgenii P. Ieshko (on the 75th anniversary) | 104 |
Sterligova O.P., Baryshev I.A., Il’mast N.V. Sergei F. Komulainen (on the 75th anniversary) | 108 |
Bereavements | 112 |
Kretova A.Yu., Matantseva M.V., Artem’ev A.V., Simonov S.A., Rymkevich T.A. In memory of Nikolai V. Lapshin (1946–2024) | 112 |
Last modified: December 28, 2024