
Scientific publications

16th international symposium and workshop "Northern research Basins"
Editors: Nikolay Filatov, Yuri Salo, Tatjana Regerand.
Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2007. 164 p.

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Articles in proceedings:

Abnizova, A, Young, K.L. Hillslope Hydrological Linkages: Importance to Ponds within a Polar Desert High Arctic Wetland8
Beldring, S., Andreasson, J., Bergstrom, S., Graham, L. P., Jonsdottir, J. F., Roald, L. A.,Rogozova, S., Rosberg, J., Suomalainen, M., Vehvilainen, B., Veijalainen, N. Climate change impacts on hydrological processes in the Nordic region 2071-210019
Berezovskaya, S., Kane, D. L. Strategies for measuring snow water equivalent for hydrological applications: Part 1, Accuracy of measurements29
Efremova, T., Palshin, N. Effect of climate and morphometry on thermal regime of lakes36
Filatov, N., Nazarova, L., Salo, Yu., Terzhevik, A., Rukhovets, L., Astrakhantsev, G. Time-space changes of climate and hydrological systems of Karelia45
Janowicz, J. R. Increasing winter baseflow conditions apparent in permafrost regions of Northwest Canada51
Kane, D. L., Berezovskaya, S. Strategies for measuring snow water equivalent for hydrological applications: Part 2, Spatial distribution at the watershed scale57
Korhonen, J. Trends and variability in unregulated streamflow in Finland66
Lafreniere, M. Seasonal dynamics of dissolved nitrogen species in two High Arctic rivers, Melville Island, Canada74
Lepparanta, M., Shirasawa, K. Influence of the ice-ocean heat flux on the ice thickness evolution in Saroma-ko lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan83
Liston, G. E., Hiemstra, C. A., Berezovskaya, S., Mernild, S. H., Sturm, M. Using High-Resolution Atmospheric and Snow Modeling Tools to Define Pan-Arctic Spatial and Temporal Snow-Related Variations89
Mernild, S.H., Hasholt, B., Kane, D.L., Hansen, B.U., Jakobsen, B.H., Knudsen, N.T. Climate, glacier mass balance, and runoff 1993–2005, and in a long term perspective (106 year), Mittivakkat Glacier catchment, Ammassalik Island, SE Greenland90
Putyrsky, V.E. Numerical analysis of migration and accumulation of pollutants near to bottom of water bodies
Salo, Yu. A. Some spatial patterns of the water balance structure for the river basins within European Russia113
Semenov, A. V., Ozhigina, V. N. Climate effect on the hydrological regime rivers of the Kola Peninsula120
Shalina E.V., Bobylev L.P., Kuzmina S.I. Scientific Foundation "Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre125
Shutov, V.A. Processing of radar precipitation data as applied to watershed hydrology126
Spence, C., Hosler J. Scale influences on the representation of crucial stores in a heterogeneous northern basin131
Suzuki, K., Kubota, J., Yabuki, H., Ohata, T., Vuglinsky, V. Moss beneath a leafless larch canopy: influence on water and energy balances in the southern mountainous taiga of eastern Siberia142
Woo, M.-K., Thorne, R. Analysis and simulation of streamflow response to variability of climate in northwestern North America149
Young, K.L. Role of Snow in the Hydrology of a High Arctic Riparian Wetland155
Last modified: December 4, 2007