Scientific publications
Salo, Yu. A.
Some spatial patterns of the water balance structure for the river basins within European Russia
// 16th international symposium and workshop "Northern research Basins". Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2007. Pp. 113-119
Keywords: River basin; European Russia; water balance structure; change in water storage; runoff coefficient; evapotraspiration coefficient.
This paper presents the results of estimation of basic annual and mean annual water balance characteristics (precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff) in 182 river basins within European Russia and neighbor countries in the period 1950-1985. The aim of the paper is to assess spatial (first of all, latitudinal) variability in the change of water storage, and both of the runoff and the evapotranspiration coefficients, which characterize the water balance structure as a whole. It was found over an annual time scale that а change of water storage in high latitudes is strongly dependent on annual air temperature and, to a lesser extent, on precipitation. Conversely, the annual amount of precipitation is the main factor controlling the change of water storage in southern, relatively dry regions. It is shown that the change of water storage is more temperature-sensitive in northern river basins than in southern ones. Also, a semi-empirical curve and a simple formula are suggested to estimate typical zonal (“standard”) values of the runoff coefficient as a function of the dryness index within the study area over a long-term scale.
SYMPOSIUM_131-141.pdf (870 Kb, total downloads: 464)
Last modified: December 4, 2007