Scientific publications

Методы математического моделирования и информационные технологии. Труды ИПМИ КарНЦ РАН. Вып. 9
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2008. 118 с.
Methods of mathematical modeling and information technologies. Proceedings of IAMR KarRC RAS. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2008. 118 p.
Trud_IPMI_9.pdf (2.66 Mb, total downloads: 339)
Articles in proceedings:
Bernikovich A.S. On limiting behavior of maximum tree size in a random unlabeled unrooted forest | 11 |
Zaika Yu.V., Bormatova E.P. Determination of parameters of the hydrogen permeability model | 15 |
Zaika Yu.V., Kostikova E.K. Modeling of TDS-degassing of a plate | 28 |
Ivanov A.P., Ostov Yu.Ya. Duality and algorithm of solving of a flight dynamics problem | 35 |
Ivashko E.E. Random-priority two-person full-information best-choice game with disorder | 44 |
Chernov I.A. Variational approach to an inverse problem of dehydriding | 53 |
Shchiptsova A.V. Location game on the plain | 63 |
Aksenova A.A. Optimal control of a two-priority queue in single-level memory | 73 |
Kositsyn D.P., Pechnikov A.A., Shabaev A.I. Experience of applying the generalized approach to development of manufacturing control software | 91 |
Kukin V.D. Hybrid metaheuristics for the weighted Steiner tree problem | 97 |
Solomatov V.Y. Generation of Web 2.0 pages on the basis of XSD schemes | 107 |
Last modified: May 27, 2009