Scientific publications
А.Е. Веселов, Л.В. Аликов, М.А. Скоробогатов, А.В. Зубченко, С.М. Калюжин, Ю.А. Шустов, А.Г. Потуткин.
Искусственная инкубация икры атлантического лосося (Salmo salar L.) в естественных условиях
// Экология. Экспериментальная генетика и физиология. Труды КарНЦ РАН. Выпуск 11. Петрозаводск, 2007. C. 14-19
There has been developed and approved new design for the artificial redd aimed for the incubation of fertilized eggs
and development of larvae of Atlantic salmon under river conditions. A trial conducted in the River Indera (Kola Peninsula) in 2007 has shown that such artificial redds can be used for the intensive population of vacant rapids and rifts in salmon rivers. The efficiency of hatching and fry emergence calculated as a ratio between laid and lost eggs was 81-97%.
and development of larvae of Atlantic salmon under river conditions. A trial conducted in the River Indera (Kola Peninsula) in 2007 has shown that such artificial redds can be used for the intensive population of vacant rapids and rifts in salmon rivers. The efficiency of hatching and fry emergence calculated as a ratio between laid and lost eggs was 81-97%.
Trudy-KRC-Ussue-11_014-19.pdf (280 Kb, total downloads: 597)
Last modified: March 6, 2009