
Scientific publications

Н. А. Елькина, Е. Ф. Марковская.
Опыт палинологических исследований воздушной среды городов таежной зоны
// Экология. Экспериментальная генетика и физиология. Труды КарНЦ РАН. Выпуск 11. Петрозаводск, 2007. C. 20-27
The data on the quality and quantity characteristic of the pollen spectrum in the air of Petrozavodsk, situated in the taiga zone, have been obtained for the first time. Seasonal dynamics of pollen content of different taxa was described. Pollen of the such taxa as Betula, Pinus, Poaceae, Urtica, Artemisia makes 81,59% of the pollen spectrum. The investigation have shown that allergenic pollen of trees predominates in the pollen spectrum.

Trudy-KRC-Ussue-11_020-27.pdf (302 Kb, total downloads: 271)

Last modified: March 6, 2009