
Scientific publications

Захаров А.А., Филиппов В.И.
Логическая модель цифровых библиотек в онтологии ЕНИП
Zakharov A.A., Filippov V.I. Digital library logical model in ENIP ontology // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Research Conference RCDL'2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 32-38
This paper covers key aspects of digital library management system (DLMS) in RAS United Science Informational Space (ENIP). Some important concepts of document-like objects, media objects, collections and extended attributes are described.

Digital library logical model in ENIP ontology (219 Kb, total downloads: 128)

Last modified: October 16, 2009