
Scientific publications

Авраменко А.Е.
К инвариантным моделям пульсарных данныхв пространственно-временных координатных системах
Avramenko A.E. Toward the Invariant Models of Pulsar Data in Spatial-Time Coordinate Systems // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Research Conference RCDL'2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 379-385
The coincidence of the parametric model of the observed pulsar data in both, inertial barycentric coordinate system, or arbitrary chosen topocentric ones, is shown. The relationship of the parametric pulsar data model and the equations of physical processes of pulsed radiating of the pulsars in coordinate systems, are determined. The formats of the observed pulsar data are modified and transformed into unific, system independent type.
On the parametric model, the numerical equivalence of the observed parameters of rotation of pulsar in any coordinate systems, which confirms unprecedented stability of pulsars, is detected. On the retrospective archive of the observed pulsar data, the new pulsar applications in study of fundamental properties of matter and decision of actual applied problems, are considered.

Toward the Invariant Models of Pulsar Data in Spatial-Time Coordinate Systems (275 Kb, total downloads: 129)

Last modified: October 16, 2009