Scientific publications
Ильина В.П., Заверткин А.С.
Влияние связующих компонентов на свойства теплоизоляционных облицовочных материалов на основе тальксодержащих пород
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 11. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2008. C. 238-241
The results of the study of thermoinsulating materials from fine-fraction talc-chlorite schists with various binders, such as Cambrian clay, Portland cement and liquid glass, are presented. The materials exhibit minimum thermal conductivity coefficient values (samples 0.2-1.3 Wt/(m • K), talc-chlorite 0.3-3.67 Wt/(m K)) and are similar in thermal capacity (at 25.C 835-850 J/(kg deg) to kilned talc-chlorite. No differences in heat resistance (over 18 heat changes) between samples with fine-fraction talc-chlorite and binding components and natural talc-chlorite were observed. The frost resistance of all the samples is over 35 cycles. The use of fine talc-chlorite fractions will make it possible to utilize block sawing waste and overburden waste and to make the thermoinsulating material (brick) cheaper than a natural talcchlorite block.
geology_11_239-242.pdf (323 Kb, total downloads: 237)
Last modified: December 15, 2009